Chapter Twenty-Two

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Emma blankly stared down at the teacup that Cora had placed in front of her, watching the steam lift from the hot tea she'd just been poured, mesmerized by the sight of it. She was weak and in shock and a little floored that Cora Mills had taken her gently by the arm and led her downstairs, promising her that she'd feel a little more at ease after she had a nice hot cup of tea.

Cora, she noticed, put more than just some milk into her own cup and she watched her move to sit across from her at the small kitchen table. There was a certain softness to the look Cora had in her eyes when Emma looked up at her and it was one only one mother to another could see. Emma swallowed back her tears as she wrapped her hands around the small cup, swallowing back the lump that rose and grew in her throat.

"I'm sure your darling boy will be found soon, dear," Cora said quietly. "Would you like something a little stronger than tea?"

"I'm fine."

"How are you feeling," Cora asked. "I in no way mean it in a disrespectful way. I was actually growing quite concerned when you had yet to wake up."

"I'll be fine as soon as my son is found and is safely back in my arms."

Cora nodded, lifting her mug to her lips and she took a careful sip. "I could not imagine the distress you must feel. As a mother, I always worried of the worst in bad situations, but my two girls never failed to prove that I was wrong to think of the worst outcome. When Regina was Henry's age, she—"

"Cora, no disrespect, but I don't want to hear any of your stories about Regina or Zelena right now," Emma said with a slight bite to her voice. "How—how long has it been?"

"Almost three hours now, dear."

Emma closed her eyes as fresh tears sprang to her eyes and threatened to fall. Three hours. Anything could happen in a matter of minutes that it physically hurt her to think of what could happen in three hours to her baby boy. She nearly jumped when Cora placed a gentle hand on hers and grabbed the unlabeled bottle she had on the table and slid the bottle towards her. Emma pulled her hand back and shook her head no. Her mind was already spinning and she didn't need to add alcohol to the mix as it was only bound to make things much, much worse.

Emma lifted the hot cup of tea to her lips, blowing softly as Regina's father came into the kitchen and leaned down to whisper something into his wife's ear. She nodded and rose from the chair unsteadily just as the doorbell buzzed. That's when Emma heard it, the clamor of voices just outside on the street. Cora motioned for the elder Henry to go and answer the door and she reached for the bottle and unscrewed the cap, taking a swig directly from the bottle before slamming it down on the table in front of her.

Emma took a sip of her tea, nearly dropping the cup when she heard the ever-familiar patter of tiny feet running down the hallway towards the kitchen. Her heart began to race wildly as she rose from the chair and she let out a strangled gasp when the sight of her baby boy running through the open kitchen door nearly swept her off her feet.

"Henry," she whispered as he ran towards her, flinging himself into her waiting arms. "Henry, you're okay? Baby, you're okay?"

"I okay, Mama," he whispered into her neck, his tears falling hotly against her skin as she held him tight.

"Oh my god, Henry," she sobbed as she struggled to stay on her own two feet while she held her son close. "Baby, are you sure you're okay? Who found you? Are you hurt?" Emma asked, moving to sit him down on one of the chairs so she could check him thoroughly.

"Big Chief broughts me back," Henry whispered and Emma looked over at the man in the police uniform that was led into the kitchen by the elder Henry. "I lost Blankie."

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