Chapter Fourteen

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Regina lingered in the bathroom doorway while Emma watched Henry in the bubble bath she'd drawn up for him. She knew that the blonde was on edge just as she was herself and she couldn't blame her for being scared and for thinking the way she likely still was and would until this whole thing with the Gold's was over and done with.

"Who was it?" Emma asked quietly. "The feds?"

Regina nodded, looking over at the toddler playing with a toy boat in the bath and not paying a speck of attention to either of them. "Yes. As far as anyone else knows, Emma, they're cousins of mine here for a brief visit."

"Cousins?" Emma looked confused. "Is that the cover story?"

"Yes and it's not that much of a stretch. Chapman looks like he could be my brother, my bald-headed brother."


"He's half Puerto Rican as I am."

"What about the other one?" Emma asked and Regina shrugged slightly since she had only seen him in passing and had only spoken with Chapman. "And they're staying at your house?"

"If we're going to pull this off without Gold suspecting a thing, there really is no other option, is there?" Regina sighed and she shifted against the door frame. "This isn't going to be easy for any of us, Emma, but we have to keep ourselves together if we want this to go off flawlessly."

"Nothing about this is going to be flawless, Regina. You don't have to sugarcoat it for me. I know that once you go after Gold, things are going to get messy."

Regina knew there were many, many risks involved, more so than what she was used to. A lot of people worked for Gold in town and their loyalties were with him, many of which had been forced to work under his rule because of a debt of sorts or out of desperation. Even if they got both Gold's behind bars, there would still be many problems from those working for them.

"Just promise me you won't let anything happen to you."

"I'm more worried about you two," Regina whispered softly and she moved from the doorway and sat on the edge of the tub. "I won't let anything happen to either of you."

She leaned forward and kissed Emma lightly and they both pulled apart as Henry splashed water at them. He was giggling as Regina scooped up a handful of bubbles and blew them towards him and scooped up another handful and blew them towards Emma. It caused Henry to start shrieking in laughter as a glob of bubbles slid down and off the tip of Emma's nose.

Regina joined Henry in laughter and shot up from the edge of the tub as soon as Emma scooped up a large handful of bubbles and aimed at her, winking at the last moment before dumping them on top of Henry's head. Regina shook her head and left them to finish up bath time alone.

A soft knock on the back door sounded just before she walked into the kitchen and she saw Chapman though the window. With a sigh, she unlocked the back door and stepped outside into the warm night, the sun just starting to dip low in the sky.

"Chapman, what can I do for you?"

"Tom," he replied. "It's Tom when we're not working."

"Right," Regina nodded. "We'll have to keep up with our cover," she smiled.

"The reason I'm here is we need to go over a few things regarding the case," he said and he held out the folder she just noticed he was carrying towards her. "This is your copy. This is sensitive information, Regina, and I have reason to believe these photographs are the reason Gold came to you yesterday about doing all that you can to keep us feds out of Storybrooke. I do, however have a way to get him to believe you've followed through in your task."

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