Chapter Twenty-One

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Regina stood in the center of the twelve policemen who had responded to Booth's call. Henry had been missing for a total of eleven minutes and they were wasting time, but nobody had anticipated Emma Swan fainting from the overwhelming situation they were suddenly in. With Booth's help, she'd gotten Emma safely inside the back of one of the squad cars with Kathryn and one of the officer's watching over her.

"All right, men," Regina said upon the chief's nod for her to begin. "We are going to spread out in all directions. Rendezvous point is right here," she said as she pointed around at the park. "The missing boy, his name is Henry Swan. He's two and a half years old and is missing his top two front teeth, he has dark brown hair, and he'll be holding on to a light blue blanket."

"What do we suspect at this point?" One of the officer's to her right asked. "A lost boy or kidnap?"

"Either," Regina replied, trying to stay strong and keep herself together despite the many emotions that were flowing through her. "Any further questions? No? Let's move out!"


She stopped to turn her attention to Ruby and noticed nearly a dozen women were lingering behind her, each and every one of them with a heightened look of concern on their faces. Ruby stepped forward and looked back at the group of women behind her for a moment.

"They want to help," she said quietly. "Most of them, they have children around Henry's age and they want to help look for him. The more people we have helping, the better chance we have a finding him, right?"

"All right," Regina nodded and looked at the group of mother's waiting behind Ruby. "Time is crucial and it has already been fourteen minutes since Henry Swan was last seen by his mother. Any questions on his description?"

"What color jacket is he wearing?"

"Navy blue," Regina replied. "Dark jeans and white running shoes."

"No front teeth?" The same woman asked and she nodded her head.

"We will meet back here in twenty minutes and regroup."

"Regina," Ruby said softly before she could walk away. "We'll find him."

"I know," Regina replied tightly. "And when we do, I am going to shoot that fucking asshole right between the eyes for even laying a hand on him in the first place!"


"Go, Ruby, we're wasting time!"

"Mills, a word?" Chief Kramer asked when she walked past him and she sighed with a nod of her head and joined him where he stood under one of the large oak trees. "You want to tell me exactly what is going on here?"

"A young boy is missing, Chief, I don't exactly have time to stop and—"

"Regina," he said, his tone changing into a softer one. "Tell me what is really going on here. I know there is a lot more to this than a young boy going missing."

Regina sighed and watched as several women who weren't out searching for the missing toddler began to set up a table near the swings and one woman even had a large thermos and a stack of plastic cups that she placed on the end of the foldup table.

"Where do I even start, Chief?"

"The beginning is a good place as any," he replied. "Regina, tell me what the hell is going on and don't leave any little details out."

Regina winced, wanting to be on the search for Henry and not left behind to tell her former boss the details of the situation that had led to where they were now. She took a deep breath and began to tell him how it had all started from the moment she suspected that the former sheriff of Storybrooke's death was more than just a hunting accident...

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