Chapter Five

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Regina stood by her office door with a smirk on her face and her arms crossed over her chest as she watched the scene in front of her unfold. She had been at Emma and Henry's for the better part of an hour before the call came in that Mayor Gold was on his way down to the station. Regina managed to arrive before he did and planted herself in the doorway of her office.

Gold arrived just a few minutes after her and he stormed—as best as he could—straight over to the cell where Bobby was pacing inside. He slammed his cane against the bars and motioned for Bobby to come closer. The moment he was within arms reach, Gold reached out with one hand and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and smacked him repeatedly with the handle of his cane over the back of his head.

"What the hell is wrong with you, boy?" Gold yelled and he rose the cane, threatening to hit him over the head once again. "Is it true? Did you try to rape her?"

"No, Pop, I was just having a little bit of fun," Bobby gasped. Gold hit him hard with the cane one more time, splitting open the skin just above his ear. "Is that what they told you? That I tried to rape her?"

"Did you?"


"Gold, stop," Regina said as she pushed herself off the door frame and approached him. "Let's go into my office and talk, shall we?"

"I'm not done with you, boy, and you better hope your ungrateful ass stays locked up and away from me," Gold said and he pointed straight at him, giving him a look that made him cower in fear.

"Mayor Gold, my office, please?" Regina tried again and he turned and nodded, following her into her office and took a seat. Regina closed the blinds and shut the door before taking a seat behind her desk. "Would you like to read the report?"

"How about you tell me what she told you," Gold replied and he plucked a Kleenex out of the box on the edge of her desk and wiped the small smear of blood off the handle of his cane. "First things first, Sheriff, what is he charged with?"

"Sexual assault, breaking and entering, domestic assault, and resisting arrest."

"I trust you've already removed him as your deputy then?"

"Yes," Regina nodded and he glanced down at the gun and badge that had belonged to his son.

"Now, tell me what happened at Mrs. Cassidy's—"

"She gave me Swan as her surname, sir," Regina said and she grabbed the report she'd written up with Emma's statement. "Emma Swan, that's what she gave me."

"Right," Gold sighed tiredly. "She got rid of my son's name shortly after his untimely death. It seemed to have slipped my mind," he said and his lips twitched. "What happened at Ms. Swan's residence this morning?"

Regina read straight from the report recalling the incident from where it started in the street up until Regina arrived and arrested the former deputy. While she read Emma's statement, Gold tapped the handle of his cane lightly against the edge of her desk and listened intently. She expected him to interrupt her numerous of times and was surprised when she finished that he hadn't said a single word.

She picked up the second report that listed the charges she's already told him and a detailed account of the arrest itself, along with the things he had said to her in the house, outside on the front walkway, in the cruiser on the drive to the station and when she put him in the cell. Gold didn't look surprised as she repeated the offensive words his son had used and when she placed the report back down on her desk, he cleared his throat and placed his cane over his lap.

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