So I've seen so many different chatrooms but I didn't find a Block B chatroom when I checked the first time so I thought why not do one myself? Hope you are enjoying this fanfic and please respect my grammar. WARNING! I'm going to use bad language a...
Hellokittyfan92: Hey babe ;* Rapgod: Hello Hellokittyfan92: Oh come on, can you atleast be a little bit gay? Rapgod: I am gay. Hellokittyfan92: I know you are ;*
>Sexiestyukwonnie543 logged on<
Rapgod: I'm gay in you. Sexiestyukwonnie543: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hellokittyfan92: What do you want? Sexiestyukwonnie543: You know what I want Hellokittyfan92: No Sexiestyukwonnie543: CHICKEN CHICKEN YAYA Hellokittyfan92: Yeah ofc...
Mynameistaeil: WE HAVE A CONFESSION TO MAKE. Sexiestyukwonnie543: OMG WHAAT? Jiho0o0on: We are officially gay... to eachother. Prettyderphyo: SERIOUSLY? AM I THE ONLY ONE STRAIGHT IN THIS GROUP? AND SINGLE?! Rapgod: I'm barely gay Hellokittyfan92: Hey! You're gay with me you faggot! Rapgod: Not really sure 'bout that. Hellokittyfan92: What? You're not gay? Rapgod: No, that I'm a faggot. Jiho0o0on: Well Jaehyo, you're going to find the right woman for sure! Mynameistaeil: Yeah! And marry eachother and get kids! You'll be fine! Prettyderphyo: Easy for you to say. You're gay Mynameistaeil: Hey! Just because we're gay that doesn't mean that we're bad Jiho0o0on: BECAUSE I'M BAD I'M BAD YOU KNOW IT Mynameistaeil: (really really bad) Prettyderphyo: Bye
>Prettyderphyo logged off<
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Jiho0o0on: sorry Mynameistaeil: okey..
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Mynameistaeil: sorry
>Mingrapehyuk logged on<
Mingrapehyuk: WHAT IS GOOING ON IN HEEEERE? Jiho0o0on: DERPPICS! Mingrapehyuk: Oh, I have many predebuts pics on Yukwon Sexiestyukwonnie543: Please don't Mingrapehyuk:
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