>Jiho0o0on logged on<>Hellokittyfan92 logged on<
Jiho0o0on: Thank god your the only one here cause I need help
Hellokittyfan92: What?
Jiho0o0on: Uhm.. So.. The thing is.. I kinda don't like Taeil in that way.. Or like I don't feel comfortable being his boyfriend...
Hellokittyfan92: Oh.. Relationships can be a little hard sometimes but I'll help :)
Jiho0o0on: No like I really don't like him in that way
Hellokittyfan92: It's okay, just tell him and get another boyfriend
Jiho0o0on: Jesus Christ Jiho, you really don't get it?
Hellokittyfan92: What? You said you didn't like him, then break up.
Jiho0o0on: For fuck sake Jiho. I'm not gay.
Hellokittyfan92: Why didn't you tell me in first place?
Jiho0o0on: I was trying to. But like.. I dunno if I'm gay or not... I'm kinda insecure..
Hellokittyfan92: Don't try to talk to me then.. Invite Jaehyo and talk to him. I'm logging off.>Hellokittyfan92 logged off<
Jiho0o0on: okay then...
>Jiho0o0on invited Prettyderphyo<
Jiho0o0on: Jaehyo, I kinda need your help
Prettyderphyo: Yeah sure, what's up?
Jiho0o0on: I don't think I'm gay..
Prettyderphyo: Why do you think that Jihoon?
Jiho0o0on: Well, I just don't fall for guys I guess.. I don't even like Taeil in that way.
Prettyderphyo: I think you should just get a rest from relationships. Tell Taeil exactly how you feel and he'll sure understand.>Kittykwon logged on<
Prettyderphyo: Not now Yukwon
Kittykwon: What? Why?
Prettyderphyo: We have a serious conversation, now go.
Kittykwon: ooh Jaehyo, so you ARE gay?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Prettyderphyo: What? No. Log off before I block you
Kittykwon: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Prettyderphyo: NOW
Kittykwon: okok chill>Kittykwon logged off<
Jiho0o0on: But what if he doesn't understand?
Prettyderphyo: He will. But do it tomorrow. I'll invite everyone so everyone can talk now :)
Jiho0o0on: Hey Jaehyo?
Prettyderphyo: Hmm?
Jiho0o0on: Thank you
Prettyderphyo: :)>Prettyderphyo invited Kittykwon, Sexbomb, Hellokittyfan92, Mynameistaeil and Rapgod<
Kittykwon: Sooo, What were you talking about?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Prettyderphyo: Non of your business
Sexbomb: Hey Jiho, what are we gonna eat tonite?
Hellokittyfan92: How the fuck should I knw
Kittykwon: Hey guess what I want?
Hellokittyfan92: Chicken
Sexbomb: Chicken
Kittykwon: :( How did you know?
Sexbomb: Yukwon, you ALWAYS want chicken.
Kittykwon: So? I like chicken
Sexbomb: Yeah but do you think we want chicken every single day?
Kittykwon: ...>Kittykwon logged off<
Sexbomb: Oh fuck.
Hellokityfan92: Yeah... I think he has a bad day..
Jiho0o0on: Taeil? You haven't said a word yet
Mynameistaeil: I don't have anything to say..
Jiho0o0on: Okey..>Jiho0o0on logged off<
>Mynameistaeil logged off<Hellokittyfan92: What about you Kyung?
Hellokittyfan92: Kyung? Baby?
Sexbomb: Hey Kyung you son of a bitch wake up>Rapgod logged off<
Hellokittyfan92: LOOK WHAT YOU DID!
Sexbomb: I was just trying to help!
Prettyderphyo: Looks like I'm going to cook tonight..>Prettyderphyo logged off<
Hellokittyfan92: I was going to cook!!
>Hellokittyfan92 logged off<
>Sexbomb invited Kittykwon<
Sexbomb: U wanna sexting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kittykwon: No
Sexbomb: Look I'm sorry I screamed at you.
Kittykwon: This is a fucking chatroom you can't scream you dumbass
Sexbomb: Having a bad day huh? Me too
Kittykwon: What do you mean?
Sexbomb: My boyfriend is mad at me. I can't call that a good thing.
Kittykwon: ..Me neither
Sexbomb: So..
Kittykwon: Movienight?
Sexbomb: :)
Kittykwon: But after the dinner.
Sexbomb: I know!
Kittykwon: Good :)>Kittykwon logged on<
Sexbomb: Jisoos fucking christ
>Sexbomb logged off<
Haven't been updating for a while.. I'm in Iceland rn lol, at my grandparents. The next chapter is going to be a private chatroom with Jihoon and Taeil. Have a great week! <3
Block B Chatroom
FanficSo I've seen so many different chatrooms but I didn't find a Block B chatroom when I checked the first time so I thought why not do one myself? Hope you are enjoying this fanfic and please respect my grammar. WARNING! I'm going to use bad language a...