Let's Just Give it Time: In The End- Chapter 9

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                These past couple days I’ve had to split my time equally between my friends and Vic. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I just spend the whole day at school hanging out with my friends then after school I would hang out with Vic. It worked perfectly because Vic and I, mostly Vic didn’t want people to know about us so people at school didn’t suspect anything because we only talked between classes and that was only for a couple minutes. Then I would spend all night hanging out with Vic at his house until about 11pm then go home and get ready for school tomorrow. I would like to be able to hang out with Vic and all my friends at the same time but it’s just too much tension right now between them and I don’t want to make things any more awkward. Lydia and Zance have agreed not to comment on my relationship with Vic as long as I don’t bring him up in front of them and I think that’s a pretty good compromise for right now. I don’t want to lose my friends so if not talking about Vic will keep the peace between us then I’m totally fine with just keeping quiet about Vic and I’s relationship.

It’s the end of the day and I’m sitting in Mrs. Garcia’s class with Oli. Things between Oli and I have been really weird but we try to act like it’s not. I’m not sure if it’s because of the kiss and Oli thinking that maybe we could’ve been something or the fact that I’m with Vic and it eliminates any hopes that he had in his head. I kind of think it’s both but the matter of the fact is when he kissed me I told him I wasn’t ready and he knew I wasn’t over Vic so if he’s upset with me it’s not my fault because I never led him on in any way. I also don’t think it’s right for him to be mad at Vic because he was playing the neutral person in all of this and now that Vic and I are back together I don’t think it’s okay for him to just go switching sides of all of sudden and being team ‘I hate Vic’. If he is doing that then it just shows that he had ulterior motives to just get me over Vic so he could have me all to himself and if that’s true then the person who should upset is me.  

The bell rang and brought me back to reality. I got up out of my seat and grabbed my things then said bye to Oli and left out the classroom headed to my locker to get my things. As I was getting close to my locker I saw Jonny and Vic standing beside it waiting for me.

“Hey.” I smiled at Vic then opened my locker.

“So we’re going to go over to Jonny’s house today and hang out there for a little, are you okay with that?” Vic asked.

“Of course he’s okay with that! We all know that Kellin secretly loves me even though he pretends to hate me.” Jonny jumped in.

“I’m not pretending.” I gave him a serious look even though I was joking.

“You said we were friends.” Jonny said.

“I was lying to get information out of you.” I said. He paused for a moment and looked at me.

“You know, I liked you better when you were Mary, you were less bitchy.” He smirked. I looked at him shocked then rolled my eyes.

“Let’s just agree you guys have a weird way of showing that you like each other.” Vic cut in.

“Whatever.” I said closing my locker. “I can’t hang out anyway my parents said I have to come home after school today.”

“Why?” Vic asked looking disappointed.

“Because I’ve been coming home super late these past couple days and apparently their new thing is to annoy me until I like my dad again.” I said.

“You should just be like ‘fuck you dad. Fuck you and your dirty dick that you don’t know how to keep to yourself’ I bet he won’t try to annoy you again.” Jonny said. Vic and I both looked at him like he was crazy. Jonny definitely didn’t have a filter and some of the things he says just catches you so off guard that you don’t know how to respond, this is one of them.

Let's Just Give It Time: In The End (Sequel to Let's Just Give It Time)Where stories live. Discover now