Let's Just Give It Time: In The End- Chapter 12

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Vic’s POV

“So what are we gonna do?” I looked over at Jonny as he was sitting in the chair at my desk in my room.

“We?” He turned around to face me.

“You’re right, what are you gonna do?” I asked.

“Me?! I’m not doing anything; I’m staying out of it. I did my part, which was to help get you two back together. I’m not getting involved in this fighting over Kellin, I don’t want Kellin and that guy, Oli seems crazy as fuck, you saw the look in his eyes, it was the “I will kill you” look and I’m not fucking with him. If you want to then go right ahead but don’t drag me into this one.” Jonny said being dramatic like usual.

“Don’t be a drama queen, I just want you to scare him so he’ll back off” I said.

“Why can’t you scare him?”

“Because he will tell Kellin then Kellin will be mad at me, if you do it then Kellin will most likely still be mad but it won’t be at me.” I said.

“Sugarcoat it why don’t you?” Jonny replied sarcastically rolling his eyes at me. “And newsflash who do you think Kellin will think put me up to it? You think he’s really gonna beileve I decided to do it all on my own?”

“Well what am I supposed to do?” I said.

“Leave it alone! Unless Oli does something first just leave it alone. He’s not a threat to you and Kellin’s relationship but you saw how he looked at you and he did kick your ass so he’s a threat to you.” He gave me that ‘sorry not sorry’ look.

“Shut up Jonny!” I snapped. “He did not kick my ass! I was emotionally unstable and not in good condition at that time, obviously.” I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, because through all that anger and repeating ‘I’m gonna kick his ass’ on the way to school made you so emotionally unstable that you forgot how to punch and not to cry like a little bitch when you get your ass kicked.” Jonny replied cheekily.

“I did not cry because he kicked my ass!” I got defensive.

“Oh, I’m sorry; crying because he took your precious love muffin, Kellin from you.” He teased.

“He did not take Kellin!”

“Either way you cried like a little bitch and got your ass kicked so if we’re taking score it would be Oli-1 and you-0.” He said. I glared at him and he just smirked, sometimes I really hate him.


2 days later: Kellin’s POV

                Vic has been acting really weird and tense these past couple days. So I’ve been kind of on edge because I’m pretty sure it’s because of me not wanting to have sex with him. Even though we have school tomorrow I decided to call him to see if he wants to hang out. He said he wanted to so now I’m just waiting downstairs by the door in the dark until he gets here. My phone buzzed and it was a text from Vic saying he was outside so I slowly opened the door and left out.

“So where are we going?” He asked as I got into the car.

“I’ll tell you which way to go.” I said. He began driving and I would tell him when to turn left or right until we got to where I wanted to go.

“Lydia’s house?” He said giving me an unamused look.

“She won’t know we’re here. I can do bad things like trespassing too.” I said opening the car door.

Let's Just Give It Time: In The End (Sequel to Let's Just Give It Time)Where stories live. Discover now