chapter 6

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(jake POV)

We have 3 more days till the primeire and im so excited. Gosh I soumd like a girl. Anyway..the past couple of days have been hectic and I dont see K as much or talk to kiana but I make both my priorities too. I just got back in my hotel from a meeting for my next upcoming film rhat I star in with miley cyrus. Thats gonna be interesting. Anyway...yesterday was kenyatte's birthday but I was buisy with polhotoshoots and talking to kiana about our wedding and everything. So today I have a birthday present for her. I grabbed her gift and walked to her hotel room. I knocked and she opened her door .

kenyatte:hey..whats up. I thought you were real buisy today.

She let me in and closed the door.

jake:I could never be too buisy for one of my favorite girls. I wanted to say sorry for yesterday but uh..answer something for me.

kenyatte:yea sure.

jake:how bad do you.....


jake:love fashion.

She looked at me in disbelief and smacked me upside the head.

kenyatte:thats the big question.


kenyatte:well...I love it...its who I am and it lets me show and express my personality.

jake:well...good answer. Happy birthday.

I handed her a letter that she read and she screamed when she was done reading it.

kenyatte:The victoria secrets fashion show wants ME to design stuff to be worn in the show!

jake:yup...they want only the best.

She looked over the letter again and then hugged me as I chuckled.

kenyatte:thankyou so much jake...your the bestest friend ever.

jake:it was no what about we go out and celebrate.

She noddsd and got her coat.

(Kiana POV)

It feels so good to be home. Yup im back in canada and im on my way to patties house to pick up jason. I knocked on the door and she opened up and engulfed me into a hug.

pattie:hi sweety..come in.

I walked inside and turned to face pattie.

kiana:so how have you been.

pattie:good...its been lonely but jason has kept me company. you and justin are both grown and have careers and family and jaxon and jazzy are in high school now....

I came over and hugged her.

kiana:its ok pattie..we are all always gonna be here for you.

She was tearing up.

pattie:I seems like just and justin were meeting for the first time and having justin has a 15 year old daughter and your getting married.

I laughed.

pattie:well anyway, jason is upstairs watching TV.

I thanked her and made my way upstairs. I heard spongebob and chuckled as I opened the door and saw jason look up and see me. He istantly jumped off the bed and ran too me and I picked him up and hugged him and kissed his forehead.

kiana:hey buddy..I missed you so much.

jason:I missed you too mommy. Are you gonna leave again.

My heart broke when he said that.

kiana:no sweety.....not for a while.






I made some macoroni and gave some to jason as he ran to the theatre in our house and watched some more spongebob. I ate and cleaned everything up and the phone rang. I answered it to it being jada. She sounded overly excited.


j-aunti Kiana! Ahhh you wont believe it.

I chuckled.

k-whats up.

j-so you know how I started music school a few days ago....well..I have an admirer. you know who it could be.

j-not at all...all the guys I talk to only like me cause of my dad.

k-well yea thats how its gonna be at first...but then you'll find the right guy.

j-like you did with uncle jake.


j-what was your love life like.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

k-well I had boyfriends before but I met one that caught my eye...but he cheated and then this other guy liked me but I didnt like him and then I met jake and then my ex came back and it was this shole disaster th-

j-ok I think i get it.

I laughed.

k-so does your dad know about this admirer.

j-nope and please dont tell him....he will only get over protective.

k-dont worry kid...I wasnt planning on it.

j-well ill see you in 3 wants r ok use the phone to talk to caitlin.

I laughed but said bye.






(Jake POV)

We were laughing and we just came from the ice cream shop and we were walking into out hotel. You see...this kind of stuff always leads to love and dating...but I already found the love of my life....sure in the beginning I thought kenyatte was hot and stuff...she still is but....I dont want anything more than to be her friend. Im all over the place though and i feel like an emotional girl on her period. We got to K's room and she gave me one more hug and pulled away and we just stared at eachother. I dont know what happened but....I kissed her...I fucking kissed her and she pulled away immediately. She backed up as I shook my head.

jake:no no..k-

kenyatte:listen...I-i dont want a relationship with you ok...I want to be your friend and this isnt gonna make a good impression on your fiance. She already dislikes me as is..this wont help.....thanks for the birthday present but...right now..I need space.

With that she walked into her room and I turned and punched a wall.

I walked into my room frusterated and make it better...kiana was calling.

j-hey babe...I miss you.

k-aww...I miss you too..I just got jason but hes sleeping.

j-yea..I miss the little guy.

k-so uh...jake..I have to tell you something that I found out.

j-how fast did this spread...did someone take a pic.


j-how did you find out that I kissed kenyatte.

k-y-you what?

I paranoid self just jumped into conclusions and now im in deep shit.

j-i....I kissed kenyatte...but she didnt kiss back so dont be mad at her...........Key?

I heard the line go dead and I through the phone and fell back on my bed. I just lost 2 out of 3 of my favorite girls. The third being my mom.

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