Chapter 7- Hospital

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I can hear myself mumbling, even though I don't realize I'm doing it. I also hear slight voices every once in a while but I don't know why. I slightly open my eyes and it's bright which causes me to close them again. 

I bring my hand up to my eye when I feel something sharp jab into my arm. "Ow!" I belch out.

"Calm down, sweetie," the lady says as she lays my arm back down and fixes the thing that's jabbing me. Everything is happening so quick I haven't even opened my eyes yet. I can feel the lady put her hand over my eyes and forehead. "You can open your eyes now."

I slowly open my eyes as there is a hand in front of my face so it isn't bright. I can hear the beeping that sounds like a heart monitor. I mumble some words that I don't even know exist. The lady removes her hand and I switch my eyes over to her face. She has light brown hair and grayish blue eyes; she's a nurse.

I slowly take my eyes off of her and daze over to everyone else in the room. I feel as if I'm high and time is just dragging on and going slow. I swear it's been about ten minutes when in reality it'd been one.

"You're in the hospital," the words slip out of Logan's lips. I look at him with a blank face. 

"Really?" I ask sarcastically, "No, Logan, I thought you guys just remodeled my room and bought me a nurse and heart monitor for my birthday."

Terren mumbles, "Well she's back to normal." I roll my eyes and sit up a little. 

"Ow, fuck!" I drag out the word and lay back down as a sharp pain occurs right under my ribs. 

I hear a female voice, "There's stitches there, hon," a doctor walks in with a clip board and looks at me. I look at her like she's speaking another language. "We removed the tumor, it had spread to much."

I make an O shape with my mouth and run my index finger lightly over the bumps of the stitches. I look at my mom with a worried look on my face. "No, I didn't tell Michael." 

It's like she can read my mind, or maybe it's just a mom thing. I lean back on my bed. "I want sleep," I say quietly. The nurse nods. 

"She does need sleep, her body needs to recharge." 

"But she just slept for 4 days!" Terren raises his voice higher than usual, he never did that. Yes, it was still quiet, but not for him.

"I respect that you're worried about your sister but that was not sleeping," the nurse has sorrow in her voice and Terren opens his mouth and then closes it again. He slowly makes his way to the door to go into the hall. 

"Terren!" I yell as I try to sit up and yelp in pain as the nurse pushes me back down and the stitches make it feel like there is a knife in me. "Fuck." 

A tear roles down my face and the nurse puts her hand on my forehead. 

"I'll go get him," Logan says. I sit here and stare at the ceiling as the nurse gets a shot ready. 

"Okay, we're going to hold our breathe. Here's a bucket if you end up puking." I nod and she starts counting. "3-2-1," she sticks the needle in my arm as I keep my breathe in my lungs. It'snot the needle that makes you sick; it's the poison inside of it that makes you sick. 

It isn't actually poison though, just to the bad cells that rage and take over your body. In a way, it's helping you. But that's just the thing, once you get the shot you know you're dying slowly on the inside. It's poison to you're brain.

I lean over and puke into the bucket sitting next to me. I don't know how I'm puking, there isn't anything inside of me to filter out. The nurse lays me back on the bed and I wipe off my mouth with the hand that doesn't have the needle sticking in it.

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