Chapter 10B

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We all quickly walked to the animal clinic and I opened the door. Scott and Liam carried the half alive dread doctor on their shoulders. "You could help you know." Scott said. "I am helping." I said. They walked in. Then stopped. "What, what's wrong?" I asked. "We can't get passed the mountain ash." Scott said. "Are you kidding me." I said. I tried to put my hand over but a blue force field stood there. I triggered my inner human hellhound and my hands came on fire. I put my hand on the door and opened it. "See, simple." I said. They walked through. "We think he's still alive." Liam said. Then, I felt something. Helplessness and anger mixed with a little bit of hate. "Hayden," I whispered. "What about her?" Liam asked setting the doctor on the table. "I'll be right back." I said. I walked outside then got in my car. When I drove off I happened to look in the back seat. Isabelle was sleeping back there. "Isabelle!" I yelled. She sat up quickly. "What?" She said. "You can go now." I said. "Oh, by the way. I want to see my brother." she said. She pulled on her hood and got out of the car then ran off. I sighed then drove to Hayden.

"Hello?" I said at the empty sheriffs station. I saw a pool of blood. I briefly sniffed the scent of it. "Lydia." I said. I turned around. Then I saw a small dent in the wall.
I knelt on the ground. I closed my eyes then touched the wall. Images quickly flashed through my mind. Hayden was being taken by Sebastian. I opened my eyes and got up.

When I got to the dread doctors place, I saw Hayden closing Tracy's eyes. She was dead. Then she grabbed a silver thing on the ground and walked up to sebastian. She put it behind her back. "This demon, what is it?" He asked. "Its a hellhound." She said. "Parish," he said. "Damn it." I said. "Its parish isn't it?" He asked. "And Angela," she said. Then she tried to stab him with it but he caught it and bent her hand so she let it go. Then he dug his claws into her side. "Hayden!" I screamed. I went into form and then ran at Sebastian. He couldn't block one punch from me but then pushed me to the ground the next moment. "I should've known you were here," he said. Then he scratched my stomach. I screamed in pain. Then he walked out. "Looks like it's just me and you." Hayden said while she let out cried if pain. I sat up and winced at the pain. "Yeah, no kidding." I said.

I carried Hayden to the front door of the animal clinic. We walked in. "Hayden?" Deaton said. "Me too," I said. "They said to come here if we were ever hurt. I think we're pretty hurt." She said falling forward. Causing me to go with her. Deaton picked us up and brought us to the back. "Put her on the table. I can heal," I said letting a groan of pain out. "Maybe you should-" he said. "No! L-Liam needs her. Just please deatons. He-he-help her," I said falling to the floor. I blinked to blurry vision then everything went black.

I woke up on the table with a bandage around my waist. I took it off and nothing was there. I smiled and looked up. Hayden was lying on a table too. Deaton was working on her. "Deaton," I said. "Yes, go save your friends." He said. "Hayden," I said. "Yeah," she said. "I'll be right back. And I'll be back with them." I said putting my hand on her shoulder. "Okay." She said. I then ran out.

I went to the pipes where I followed Scott. Then I saw a door leading to a staircase. I went down and saw Kira. "Kira!" I said. She saw Me and I ran to her pulling her into a hug. "Lydia, she's in that door and she's stuck in there." She said. I heard banging. We walked over then kira stuck her sword through on end. I put my hand on her shoulder. "This might take a little more power." I said. She smiled and nodded. Her eyes glew long with mine. We kicked the door down. Lydia stood there. "Sorry were late," Kira said. "I've gotta go find them." I said. "We'll go with you." Kira said. "No, guys stay back here and make sure she's okay and just follow my tracks okay. I'm a hellhound, Lydia can find me." I said. "Please be careful." Kira said pulling me into a hug. "I will." I said. Then I ran.

I found Liam about to stab Sebastian with the pike in the cane. "Liam no!" I screamed running toward him. Sebastian pushed him back. "Liam, are you okay?" I asked holding his arms. "I'm fine." He said. His teeth blocked some of the pronunciation in his words. I liked it. "Your eyes are glowing." He said. "I know." I said. Getting up. I felt a surge or power through me. I felt my claws come out of my hands and my teeth come out. The fire from my body came out. Then I roared. Sebastian looked at me with the beasts glowing eyes. He roared at me and I looked at him. He released Scott and then grabbed my throat. I knocked his hand off and pushed him back. "Liam the cane." I said. He handed me the pike. "The cane!" I said. He put the pike back in the cane and handed it to me. I swung it around and fought sebastian with it. He fell back and landed against the pipes.

"You did it." Liam said. "I didn't kill him though." I said. All of a sudden he got up and transformed into the beast. I heard footsteps and saw Kira and Lydia. "Mason!" Lydia said lightly. " I think it has to be louder than that." Kira said.
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The beats ran toward us. "Mason!" Lydia said in a long, and deeper voice than hers. I couldn't hold the urge to roar in anymore. I roared. Louder than ever. Then black smoke came out. Mason ran out of it. Then Cory came from one of the walls. He hugged Cory.
Video should end here.
Then the spirit of it tried to get away. But parish caught it. "Scott, the pike." He said. I still had it in my hand. "I got it," I whispered. Then I ran towards them. Like Kira, I spun around and stabbed the beast with the pike. Then it disappeared. I looked at parish. "We did it." I said. He smiled. "We're alive," Scott said. "Not everyone!" Theo said. "Oh you have got to be kidding me." I said.

He had a blue electricity run through his body before he pointed his hand at scott. Kira ran forward and blocked it with her sword. She grabbed it with both hands then bent down a little. I ran to her and grabbed her hand. She stood up. "Theo, the skin walkers have a message for you," Kira said. I then thought about earlier. "Your sister wants to see you." We said at the same time. Isabelle was his sister. At the exact same time, kira put her sword in the ground and I punched the ground. Blue and orange cracks in the ground creates a hole. Then a girl with her hair covering her face can out of the ground and looked at her. She grabbed his leg and pulled him down. "Scot help me!" He scramed repeatedly. Then he took out his class and dug them into the ground. I walked up to him slowly. "Angela, please help me!" He said. "I would, but I never liked you." I kicked him down with his sister. "To hell you go." I said.

Liam ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. Then stopped. "Liam, I told deaton to save her for you, you need to be with her." I said. " She didn't tell you?" He said. "Tell me what?" I asked. "I told her that I built up feelings for you. She said it was fine. I can't live without you Nina. I wanna be back with you." He said. I was in his arms in shock. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear those words. " I said. Then I kissed him as his girlfriend once again.

I stood by the cliff with Liam
My head was on his shoulder. I was holding his hand. Then I heard footsteps. I turned around and saw Hayden. She smiled and her eyes glew. "How the hell did you do that?" I asked her. " I'm a real werwolf now." She said. "Scott bit you didn't he?" I asked. She nodded. I hugged her. "Thank you." I said. "You needed him." She said.

Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I know I haven't updated in like forever but this big ass surprise is so awesome. Angela has Liam back. That Isabelle was important. Okay guys! I'm so happy that I finally updated. But angry that teen Wolf ended. So I'm so happy that I updated. Comment below and tell me how I can make the next book better.
Luv you guys!~ Elizia268

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