Chapter 6B

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Scott pulled a card and a walkie talkie from one of the guards on the ground. He was talking for a little until he asked where Lydia was."who is this?"it said. "unit 9"Scott said."there is no unit 9. Who is thi-"it said but Scott had crushed it."we need help from someone else."he said."like who?"I asked."Meridith."he said. I looked at Liam and he looked at me. We went to Meredith's cell and she was turned around facing the wall."Meridith,"Scott said. He turned her around and she looked pale and sickly. Scott sat down on the bed and grabbed her hand. "Meridith,we need you,can you please talk to us."he said. He kept talking to her like she was going to answer. "Meridith."I said putting my hand on her shoulder. She didn't wince. I looked at Scott and he got up. When he was walking away Meridith kept hold of his hand. She placed his finger tips on the back of her neck."it'll hurt you."he said."I'll go in with you."I said."No,its too dangerous." scott said."I don't care,I'm going."I said. Sat down on the bed and Scott put his claws on the back of my neck."Ready?"he asked. I nodded. He dug his claws into my neck. My eyes glew and I dug my claws into the bed.

When I opened my eyes I was standing next to Scott and Meridith was looking at us. She walked forward around a corner. We went after her and it was the use thing there. This happened about three times before she was standing in front of a glass cell looking at Lydia holding her ears."its gonna kill her isn't it?"I asked." If she hears too many voices at once."Meridith said."we've gotta get her out of there."Scott said. I kept my attention on Lydia. There was blood on the right side of her head. She kept her hand over that part and her ear.

Then I woke up. Scott took his claws out of my neck and I got up off of the bed. I looked at Meridith who had her head leaned back. Scott grabbed her neck. Then he let go. Then the door opened and a very large guard was standing there. He leaned his head to the side and I stepped back. He fell forward and Liam was standing behind him."is he out?"he asked. I nodded. "Good."he said. Then he fell to the side. I stepped over the guard to check on Liam. He was conscious but barely."Liam,can you hear me?"I asked holding his head. He blinked his eyes a few times before he clearly looked at me. Thwnnk felt something wrong with me. I felt a burning sensation and a tingling in my skin. I closed my eyes. I saw parish being dragged some where by someone. I opened my eyes. They were glowing."Parish," I said.

We followed my sense and the burning smell. I led to parish on the stairs. I ran up to him."Parish."I said. He woke up."how did I get here?"he asked."we don't know we just followed the burning smell."Liam said. "we need you to find Lydia, both of you."scott said. "Wait you never said anything about me."I said."your both hellhounds and we need a hellhound to find a banshee. "he said."so why do you need me?"I asked."the beast."Liam said."how are you gonna get the beast to me?" I asked."can you just light on fire?"Scott said. I nodded and took off the long sleeve I had on showing the tank top I had underneath." You ready?"I asked parish.
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"Just do it."he said. I grabbed his hand and lit it on fire. Then I pot my entire body on fire and he looked at my eyes with his glowing ones. He did up and grabbed my face. Then he lot fits hands on fire. I grabbed his wrist and roared. I stood up and followed parish. We went to the gate where the mountain an blocked everything. Parish walked straight through it and I did too. We walked over to the blocked pipes and then we turned a corner. Lydia was sitting there. She looked just like she did when I saw her with Scott's claws. Me and parish walked up to her when she screamed. Parish covered her face and she was still screaming. It was ear piercing. I went to parish's side and covered the side of Lydia's head where the blodd was. Then a huge cloud of dust went past us."Angela,you can let go now."I heard parish say. I let go of him and looked in his eyes."thank you."I said.
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He nodded then picked up Lydia and we went to Scott and Liam."come on we gotta get her to the jeep."I said. She was trying to keep herself from screaming.

We got to the jeep and were trying to get her in. Someone grabbed her and took her to the side. I turned around and saw tracy holding Lydia."Tracy,let her go."I said."I'm taking her and if any of you try to stop me I will,"she said but she arched her back forward. She let Lydia go and stiles grabbed her. Mrs.Martin was standing the with one of those 9000 volt things in her hand."would somebody please get my daughter out of this hell hole?"she said. We put Lydia on the car and drove to the animal clinic. "come on Lydia were almost there."stiles said. She was grunting and moving around until she screamed. Everybody covered their ears but me. I put my hand over Lydia's mouth and grabbed her head. "shh, please Lydia were almost there."I said my voice quivering. We got to the animal clinic and me Scott and stiles brought Lydia in to deaton. We laid her in the table while he prepared something."can you hold her down please?"he said. We held her down and I was mainly doing it."you two could hold her arms."I said grunting trying to hold her legs down. Deaton came over with a syringe but it had no needle."what's in that?"I asked." Miseltoe."be said he pressed it against the hole in the side of her head. He put it in her head and then she sat up and screamed. I covered my ears. The glass from the windows shattered and glew all over the place. She plopped back down on the table. Stiles looked at her face."Lydia,"he said. He grabbed her cheeks and wiped the glass from her eyes."Lydia,please wake up."he said. He stood there for a coupe more seconds. "Lydia please,wake up."I said. She took a deep breath and sat up a few inches she opened her eyes. She smiles and stiles hugged her. Lydia's mom came in and she got up off the table. She went over and hugged her."he saved me mom,stiles saved my life."she said. Stiles smiled. I sighed with relief and sat on the floor."you okay?"Scott asked."yeah,I'm fine."I said smiling. I bit my lip."I gotta go."I said.

When I got home I changes clothes and went to Liam's house. I was walking to the door when it opened Hayden stood there with her jacket and shorts on. I stood dead in my tracks when Liam looked at me and all he had in was his boxers. He had that look that said'oh crap'. I sighed and looked at the ground then back at him."this is exactly why you need to fix things,because what you did isn't OK. I'm sorry. But I'm done."I said walking away."Angela."Liam said grabbing my arm. I grabbed his arm twisted it then threw him back to his doorstep."Don't ever touch me again!"I said. My hands were on fire and my eyes were glowing. I ran to my car and got in the car. I drove down the street and stopped. I banged on the wheel and cried.

I really liked this episode but it was really hard to figure out how Angela was going to deal with the Laydwn hookup. But anyway I'll be doing a bonus part after every chapter now I hope you like it and I'm gonna recommend a book called losing it. Its by najajones28. Love you guys!

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