Chapter 5

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~Two months later~

It had been two months since I'd seen Sonny, and one month since we had spoken on the phone. I had no idea what was going on, he usually called me just to talk, so I was worried and his new lack of contact was seriously jacking up my sleeping habits. 

I was sitting on my couch, watching a nameless movie that I had found on the television, deep in thought and wrapped up in a blanket when my cellphone rang. Thinking that by some unknown benevolent force Sonny had decided to call me, I scrambled to the phone and fumbled with the answer button.

"Hello??" I chirped, fingers crossed.

"ASHTONN!!" I heard Penny yell from the other side of the line. My face fell considerably but, I was happy to hear from my friend.

"Penny, girl, hey! How are you?" I semi-happily greeted.

"Good, good. I miss you, chick..." She stressed in earnest. I smiled as she continued, " but, I haven't called to just chat, there's something important that we need to talk about." 

I, being puzzled, grunted and inquired as to what she needed to discuss but, her end of the phone went quiet until a moment later when I heard her breathe deeply then say "I need you to come out to California, she mumbled, "Sonny needs your help."

Just hearing Sonny's name made my ears perk up

"what happened?" I asked 

"It's hard to explain," she said, "you just- you need to be here. You need to know what's going on."

A confused and, admittedly, slightly frightened gaze held its presence on my face as I stumbled over an okay, and promised Penny I would be out there in no more than a week. She was happy that I had agreed with her sudden request but as we said our goodbyes, she gave me a piece of foreboding advice.  

"oh and, Ashton, hun" She said quietly after I had said goodbye and was about to take my ear away from the phone.

"Yes?" I inquired, suspiciously.

"When you get here, be prepared. I love you, girl, you know I do... I'm here for you. Bye bye..." she hung up then with a click, and left me staring, yet again, confusedly off into the distance.

My phone conversation with Penny had been a peculiar one but I did not let it tarnish my excitement. I quickly gathered the necessary things and was off to Cali on a flight two days later. When I arrived at LAX in Los Angeles, I hailed a cab and headed to Penny's apartment where we had agreed that I would go after I arrived. 

I collected myself at the door, and after taking a moment, knocked. when I did, I heard sudden squealing echoing from within the house and then, a wild Penny appeared.

"IT'S FUCKING ASHTON BRANDIGE, HOLY SHIT!" She screamed when she opened her front door as she attacked me with an immense hug. 

"DAMMIT PENNY, YOU TERD, MY LUNGS DON'T WORK WHEN YOU SQUEEZE ME LIKE THAT!" I wailed in complaint, laughing my ass off with her afterward.

Penny eventually invited me inside, still excited that I was there and not yet ready to divulge the mysterious Sonny-centered circumstance that had brought this visit on. I could hear her ruffling around in the kitchen from my perch on her sofa as she filled me in on everyone she knew I missed.

"...and John, he's off on another tour but, he should be back in a few weeks. Jennifer comes by a few times a week, in fact she's should be here soon, she wanted to be here for when we take you to see the wh...." She stopped mid sentence then appeared in the living room with two glasses of wine. I took one and immediatley took the opportunity of Penny's brief silence to ask the question I had harbored since our phone call days before.

"So, how's Sonny?" I quizzed, searching for the answer to ease all my worry, her face spreading in surprise, and her eyes widening.

"Uhhhh..." She began but, a loud and startling squeal from the door way cut her off. GOD, was I ever going to get an answer???

I looked around for the source of the squealing and was met with the sight of Jennifer rushing across the room at me, smile plastered across her face, feet stumbling around the coffee table as fast as they could. I smiled and ran to meet her then slammed into a hug. 

"JEEEEENNNNNIFFFEEEEEERRRRR!" I yelled, her ams swinging me back and forth.

"Ashton, you little bum, why haven't you texted me?! I missed you so much!" She said cheerily, I smiled and broke the hug.

"I'm sorry girl," I apologized, "life's just been so slow, I haven't felt like doing much of anything. Plus, Sonny's been distant, so I'm trying to figure out what the hell's up with that"

At my last few words, Jennifer shot a worried look at Penny. I caught it and, filled with restlessness which was, by this point, churning into frustration, I burst.

"Okay, what the fuck is going on?" I demanded, tired of them avoiding the entire reason I had come. "I want to know what's wrong with Sonny, and I want to see him. If he needs my help, like you said, Penny, I want to give it to him!" 

My two friends exchanged yet another strange look, and finally, Jennifer took my hand in hers and answered me.

"We'll show you." She said, then motioned for me to go outside, pulling her keys out of her pocket and coming with me to her car while Penny followed, locking her front door as she went. 

Five minutes later, we were on the freeway to Sonny's, an unnatural silence filling the car. When we got to his place Penny told me to stay in the car until she texted me to come in. I agreed and waited, watching her and Jennifer walk up to the door and knock.

Seconds passed until a pajama-clothed Sonny answered the door. I immediatley smiled and felt butterflies flutter all in my stomach. It was all I could do to keep from jumping from within the car and running into Sonny's arms. But I had to go along with the plan, so I sat still as Sonny invited our mutual friends into his house. 

It felt like forever had passed when my phone finally buzzed with the text from Penny.

'Come in quietly' It read and I did as I was told, creeping up to the front door and entering with no noise. I could hear chattering from the living room across the first floor and as I moved from the foyer to the hallway and onward, the talking got louder. I was halfway down the hall when I heard a female voice, neither Penny's, nor Jennifer's, giggling loudly. "Sonny, stop it!" the female voice chirped, just as I came to the doorway of the living room. Curious, I rounded the corner and immediatley wished I had never come.

On the couch on the far wall of the room, sat a beautiful woman, whom, just as Sonny, was dressed only in pajamas. I stared on as I witnessed the cause of her giggling. Sonny had his face buried in her neck, nibbling on it, which apparently was tickling her. I watched as he then kissed her, my heart fracturing into pieces that splintered into my soul and brought forth an unusual rage from my mostly dormant persona. I could feel my cheeks blaze, and my heart pound as I took a slow step forward. My lungs took in a heap of air as I made my presence known and roared...

"Son of a BITCH!" 

Kiss me again *A Skrillex Love story*Where stories live. Discover now