~Chapter 4~

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I woke, slowly, to the feeling of something on my head, and looked around only to find that the thing touching me was Sonny's arm. It had most likely been thrown over me in the night when he rolled over, and in turn, substituted my skull for the job of an armrest.

I smiled softly and reached up behind me to move Sonny's arm then I got up and stretched, feeling sore from the position in which I slept.

I yawned and padded around the couch, groggily making my way to kitchen area of the train.

While Unloading some lucky charms into a bowl with one hand, I opened my mac that had been on the table and logged into twitter with the other, checking up on what was happening. Nothing other than a few random outbursts and photos it looked like so I decided, out of nowhere to look at Sonny's profile like the creepy little stalker I was.

I was pretty sure he hadn't posted in a while because I was with him for most parts of the last two days but I was surprised to find that he HAD said something. The newest post on his feed said "let go of the old rainbow because a brighter one may have been there all along." I read it and smiled to myself. Typical Sonny.

I logged out of the computer and focused on my cereal, fishing the marshmallows out of the milk with the spoon and devouring them in one bite.

But, you know there's always that one little rainbow charm that bobs around, running from your spoon. so I chased it around for the better part of five minutes until I finally got it pinned against the side of the bowl.

I squeaked in triumph and began to raise the spoon to my mouth but right before I ate it, my hand shook and the charm fell back into the milk.

I went back to chasing it, except I got it pinned on the first try this time. But, when I did, I pressed too hard and it split in half against my spoon.

"Mother fucking god damn bitch!" I cursed, going off on my cereal and pouring it out the nearest window.

"Fuck your crummy white milk." I muttered, turning on my heels when I heard a stifled raspy giggle.

"Oh hey babe." I said nonchalantly, trying to seem like at least half of a normal person. sonny grinned sleepily and rubbed his eyes behind the lenses of his glasses.

"Good morning miss casual, having fun cussing out your breakfast?" He hoarsely joked, coming up and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey now, don't judge, the bitch deserved it." I explained, my face buried in his hair.

He squeezed the skin of my back under his hand, raising his head from my shoulder and saying "sure it did." Then He smirked and brought his lips to mine, moving his grip to my hip bones.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his body closer to mine. After a few seconds, the kiss deepened and I had my hand roughly grasping the nap of his neck.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat on the other side of the room.

I pulled away from Sonny, looking around him to see a hungover John walking over to the mini fridge.

"You guys wanna get a room? Spare the rest of us some mental images?" He croaked, obviously having already began the up-chuck leg of his day-after-wasted syndrome.

"Fuck you too, boo boo." Sonny said into my neck, refusing to let go of me. I giggled at the sound of his adorable fake ghetto voice.

"Well, It doesn't look like I'm going to be the only one getting fucked." John retorted, smirking evilly and sitting down at the table. 

I flipped him off, then Sonny and I exchanged maniacal glances, and he grabbed my leg pulling it up to his waist. Then, putting on a show for John, who was already staring wide-eyed, we kissed "Passionately", in the kind of frenzied kiss where tongue can be seen every few seconds.

John made a gagging noise and Sonny and I fell out on the floor, roaring with laughter.

"You fuckers are not right" John said, starting to laugh himself and got up from the small round table. 

"I'll just leave you two to to your selfs." He chuckled and with that, left the room.

I sat up from my position on the floor, still laughing so hard my sides hurt.  

Sonny sat up too, not laughing and holding his stomach with a pained expression on his face.

"Sonny whats wrong?" I asked, immediately ceasing my own giggles.

"Hangovers and laughter do not mix" he explained, dry heaving a bit.  

I crawled on my knees to him and rubbed his back.

"Is there anything I can do?" I questioned

"No, this will only last about half an hour, then I'll be normal again." He reasoned, heaving again but standing up this time. I stood too and pulled him to the small bathroom right down the train hall way, knowingly taking him where he needed to be.

He looked at me funny when I didn't leave to let him be sick alone but I looked back, letting him know that I wasn't just going to leave him there.

He kneeled in front of the toilet and I pulled back his hair.

* * * 

In only fifteen minutes, Sonny was okay again and after he brushed his teeth we went back to his bunk and laid down to spend some quality time together.

"What time is it?" I mumbled against Sonny's chest.  

"8:00" he said 

I sighed and gripped his shirt gently.

"Not enough time." I whined quietly, pouting.

" I know." He stated, holding me tighter as well. "I wish you could come with me."

I sighed and said, "Me too, baby, me too."  

My head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me, his hand playing with my hair. I stared blankly at the curtain of the bunk, wanting to cherish every second of the time we spent together before we went separate ways at the airport.

We stayed like that for a bit longer, until we had to get up because the train was nearing the station, and we needed to get ready for our plane rides to opposite sides of the U.S. 

I hopped down from the small bed leaving Sonny with a short kiss and left so he could get ready in the, although cramped, privacy of his bunk and I could get ready in mine.

Kiss me again *A Skrillex Love story*Where stories live. Discover now