Chapter 6

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Penny and Jennifer rushed forward then and grabbed my arms, pulling me back so that I couldn't annihilate the entire population of Sonny's Couch. The whole room went red as I remembered how much I had trusted Sonny, how deeply I had believed that he wouldn't do exactly this. He had been there when I had been cheated on before, seen my heart break, held me as I sobbed, and yet it seemed as though the entirety of our past as best friends had been forgotten. It was like it had been flushed down a toilet, much like all the bullshit he'd ever said to me should have been.
Everything moved extremely slow as I broke free of Penny and Jennifer's grips and lunged for the whore in front of me. I had no idea what I would do if I got my hands on her but I knew I'd have made her regret it had Penny not wrapped her arms around my waist and dragged me out of the living room and out of the house. My last image before I was pulled around the corner out of the room was of a furrow-browed Sonny putting his face in his hands and the woman he'd chosen over me calming herself with her hand pressed to her throat. Once Penny and Jennifer got me outside with much struggle, I broke free and began to pace furiously on the patio in front of Sonny's house.
As she and Jennifer stood there, Penny nervously ran one hand over the other and shifted from leg to leg. "Ashton, I-I'm so sorry-I-"
"Don't." I interrupted her and quickened my pace, "Just don't. I know this ain't your fault, and thank you for showing me but I can't talk about it at the moment or else the next ride I take will be in the back of a cop car."
Penny quieted herself at my words but this only served to alert me to the sound of an opening door and brisk feet across concrete.
I gathered my breath and my emotions as best I could and spun around.
"Ashton, I want to tell you that I'm so sorry, and-" sonny tried to form some kind of apology but I cut him off with a glare and a sharp exhale.
"Don't you fucking dare," I rumbled, lowly almost too low for even I to believe it was me, "I loved you. I wanted to be with you. I would have given you anything! But you squandered all my trust, all of my hopes for the future we will now probably never get to have! You wasted US over whoever that woman is! If you didn't want me, fine, I could have managed with that but no. You didn't even have the common decency to tell me THAT YOU DIDNT LOVE ME ANYMORE!" I belted the last few words of my short monologue then softened as I put up a hand to silence Sonny's rising stutters of protest. Then with a last sorrowful shine of my eyes, I tacked on my last words as I defeatedly turned to go to Penny's car.
"Or did you ever really love me at all?" With that I walked. I could have stopped, maybe I even wanted to stop. Maybe a part of me wanted to turn around and run back to the man who'd just succeeded in breaking my heart after so much of it had been filled with love for him. But I didn't give in, Not even When the urge to do so grew nearly unbearable as he called to me brokenly from where he stood and said "I always loved you. Always have and I always will." My only saving grace at that point was the door of penny's Toyota and the welcoming car seat that met me with a thud as I collapsed in and shut the door tight. Penny and Jennifer were in at that point too and I avoided Sonny's eyes as we pulled away from what I had thought would be my future.

*Author's Note* oh my gosh, I just want to thank all of you so much for reading this story, especially those of you who commented on previous chapters telling me I should update. You guys really are the only reason I keep adding chapters. This one is a short one, I know but I wanted to stop on a break where there was no action happening between the characters and as Penny, Jennifer, and Ashton are pulling away, there isn't so this is a good spot. Waaaayy more stuff to come though but, no spoilers (^^) please comment if you have any recommendations as to how the story should continue, I have a really good idea but I want to including you guys as well. XoXo~Natalie

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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