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Jakob was sitting by my bedside when my memory clicked and I was like. OMG!!! I REMEMBER THESE PEOPLE!!!It's Jakob from in Stereo, they saved me the other day, I wasn't just saying this because they reminded me of the event a few days ago, but I remembered the actual event. I remembered hitting my head, feeling like it was the end, seeing Chris, Ethan and Jakob trying to catch me, hearing in Stereo singing and asking the name of their group. Little did I know two hours later I would be sitting in an ambulance with them!!

When I got that through my brain I started crying and smiling and remembering all at the same time. Jakob didn't know what was going on, he looked a bit worried. He was just hugging me and telling me that everything was going to be fine. Jakob didn't really know what was going on and he thought that something had hurt me. He asked why I was crying and I told him that I started remembering everyone and then he started crying from happiness. We then started hugging each other and Jakob kept saying what good new it was that I got my memory back and how he was so happy.

While we were hugging and crying mum and Luke came in and didn't know what was going on. She just waited until the end of the hug and just asked what happened. Jakob started "Phoebe got her memory back," but before he could continue his sentence, mum started crying from happiness and Luke came and gave me a hug. Jakob joined in the hug and then so did mum and dad. It was the best hug ever.

Jakob's POV

After I said my speech I sang Phoebe Mark my words by Justin Bieber- One of my favourite singers. It had a really deep meaning which had caught me at this moment. After I sang the song I said the last line of the song which was Mark my Words. I was about to finish off my sentence when, she poked her head up and sat up on her bed. She was kind of confused but relieved at the same time.

I was staring at her in disbelief as to why she just woke up all of a sudden. It was a bit funny too how , when I said mark my words she popped her head out. She then was just looking around, confusedly, like she was in deep thought for a few moments. I, was quite amazed by the whole situation so most of the time my mouth was wide opened.

When she stopped gazing around everywhere she started staring at me and then out of nowhere started crying. I didn't know what to do and was terrified, I didn't know why she was crying, had something gone wrong. Had she gotten her memory back but only remembered the bad memories? I was trying to comfort her by saying 'everything's going to be fine 'and 'you'll get better soon' also 'you'll be out of this place soon in your nice, warm home' she still didn't stop crying and I didn't know what to do.

I was patting her on the back because I didn't want to interfere with any chords or machinery or anything. I then saw that there weren't any chords on her or near her so I started hugging her. I could see through the window that, while I was hugging her people were giving me looks like what is that boy doing? While I was hugging her I asked her why she was crying. She said that she had gotten her memory back. Phoebe had got her memory back I thought! YAY, Phoebe had got her memory back, this is such awesome news I had to tell Ethan and Chris straight away. I'm so happy I could cry.

I then kept hugging Phoebe and telling her how happy I was. I then got so happy, that I started crying. While me and Phoebe were hugging the nurse and Phoebes parents and Luke came in to see what was wrong. I told them what happened and then we all went in a group hug. The nurse then told us all to go out so she could take some tests and scans.

BACK TO Phoebe's POV

After that whole fiasco, mum went and told the nurse. The nurse came in and gave me a check up to see if my memory really did come back and then I had an ultrasound and x-ray. That whole time Jakob was waiting for me. He must've been there for at least 3 hours, How nice!

After the scans the nurse told me that my memory had come back but it's unclear whether it's just temporarily so I still had to stay in the hospital for at least another week. Jakob then called Chris and Ethan to tell them the good news. They were so happy Jakob said that they both started crying from joy and that they were all going to come and visit me tomorrow since visiting time was over.

It was around 7 o'clock when I told Jakob to go home, but he would not listen. He kept insisting to stay -I told him to go home and get some rest. He said he wanted to stay with me but I told him he had no choice because I was going to make him go home. He still didn't want to go home and was whinging saying 'But I want to stay with you," so I had to tell my mother to call his mother to come and pick him up. So when Jakob's mum got on the phone he was trying to convince his mother for him to stay at the hospital overnight. Jakob's mother was going to
say yes, but then she said it was unfair for Vanessa to take care of him. He then gave up, hugged me and told me he would be back tomorrow. I said bye and then had to rest, so my brain could rest and so could my memory.

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