Chapter Seventeen

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Ashley's POV

Our faces linger for a moment and he pulls away, sitting back into his seat. I watch as his hands grip the steering wheel and he lets a small cough echo in the silence between us. He starts to drive and an uncomfortable silence falls between us. I take a few silent deep breaths to calm myself down from what almost just happened. Reaching a calm enough state, I feel like I should break the silence.

"Sorry for pushing all my feelings out on you. I bet you never want to give me a ride again." I let out a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. He chuckles along with me and I watch as his shoulders relax in his seat.

"It's fine, you know, you really aren't that terrible to be around." He speaks and I manage a small smile on my face. I reach over and turn on the radio to fill in the silence. I don't have anything else to say and if things get awkward, at least there is some noise for me to distract myself. But what I couldn't distract myself from was the fact that we almost kissed. And although we didn't, questions arose in my mind when it came to Julian and I. I only wish they didn't...

A Week Later

" I am so excited to walk on it!" I felt butterflies as I sit in the doctor's office, the doctor, who just removed the cast was inspecting my leg to make sure it felt alright. All I could think about was the fresh air around my skin, I felt so free.

"Feels better?" The doctor asks.

"A lot better." I smile.

"Now, remember, you need to be careful when running and with physical activity. You want to take it slow for a few days, but you should be fine." I nod my she helps me off of the table. Standing to my feet, I can't wipe the smile off of my face. After being excused, I walk back into the waiting room where my mom was reading People magazine, she stands to her feet, tossing the magazine away.

"Let's get out of here." I say and we walk out of the office. I am grateful I won't have to wear a cast to prom, if I could get a date anyway. I know Trina and Max are going together, not a big shock there.

"Have you got asked to prom yet?" My mom asks.

"Nope, I don't think I am going to be asked..."

"I am sorry honey." She speaks up.

"It's okay, I saw it coming early on. It isn't that big of a deal." Tomorrow was Monday and I was looking forward to be able to not wobble around anymore.

"I don't want you riding any of the horses for at least a full week." She speaks up.

"What?" I question, feeling frustrated.

"I know you heard me. I'm sorry, but I do not want you jumping right back on after what happened the last time. A week is not very long to wait." I nod my head, listening to what she said.

"Okay." I get why she doesn't want me to ride for a while, I just hope that one week doesn't turn into two.

"We're home!" I yell as I set my purse beside the door. I don't hear anything and look at my mom who is standing behind me with a large smile on her face.

"What are you up to?" I question her and she just points her finger toward the kitchen and I take steps toward the large open doorway. Peaking around the corner I see my brothers tall frame with his military uniform neatly put on. Feeling overwhelmed with joy, I run up to him and embrace him as I hear my dad and mom giggle to themselves at the sight they see.

"How could you guys keep this from me? This was just mean!" I yell.

"Hey, I surprised them too crazy girl." Gabriel laughs and I cannot wipe the smile off my face.

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