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Sara was walking down the street with Fetty Wap blasting threw her head phone. As she was changing the song, looking down at her phone she ran right into a tall, blondish, cute boy. "Are you okay?" he said worried after he knocked into you m. "Yeah I'm fine" she replied with a little bit of a smile. When she stands up and brush off he helps brush off too. "I'm Callum, but you can call me cal" he smiled and took out his phone and opened up a new contact page. "Will you put your number?" he said, afraid of rejection. She shakes her head knowing that this super cute guy just asked for her number, something that didn't happen often. She quickly agrees and puts her number into his phone, smiling brightly and happy. "Here it is you hand him his phone back. "Thank you very much." He walks away and she continues on with her day. "Later that day she gets a text message from a number. Imediently knowing that it was call so she responds text him back "hello." She said waiting for a respond "would you like to come over maybe for dinner or something?" She smiled brightly "I'd love too" she texts him back "great, 1800?" "1800" she responds smiling

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