Some Conversations. I Think.

15 2 9

Level of disturbing contents: 1 star


...Psycho number 2. 13 (female)POV..

   I watched patiently as the 'Authority' dropped their shipment. And by patiently I meant fidgety, mind my words. For this is the first time in a flipping month, I get to pick my certain prey. My eyes were big and filled with sparks, I just felt so relieved! Nix wasn't kidding when he said this shipment is gonna have some classy men. In fact, all of today's shipment were all my taste!

   My shoulder was patted by someone, and by someone I meant Nix. He let out a small chuckle,

   "Dude, calm down! You're face is getting those blood rush again!" he pointed at my cheeks playfully.

   "First. Time. In. A. Month. Re-mem-ber???" I spat, stopping at every word. He just grinned cheekily.

   "Whateves bro, found any target yet?" he asked, snatching my binoculars. I groaned.

   "I can't decide, they're all my taste!" I sighed as I looked at the preys, waiting for me to kill them.

    "Why don't you just kill them all?" he tilted his head like a curious kitten.

    "Are you kidding me Nix?" of course I can't!!! I'm not an A or S class psycho!" I exclaimed, feeling offended.

   "Oh yeah... You're still on the B class... I forgot about that..." he 'faked' rubbed his chin, I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

   "So, how many peeps can you kill in one day?" he asked curiously.

   "Geez, you're supposed to know that! Didn't you read your mentor's manual???" I smacked his arm.

   "Nope!" he answered, popping the p .

    I stared at him, ready to lunged and strangle him in place. But eventually gave up the thought. He's too much too handle, too idiotic to kill, and most of all... Too much of a dear friend. (well look who's getting emotional here!) I sighed absentmindedly.

   "Two. I can only kill two peeps a day." I told him coldly, looking at the roof below me.

   A minute of silence.

I turned to look at Nix, who's still looking at the shipment. I deadpanned, 'The FLICK?!' I threw a punch directed to his face. But thanks to his his reflects, he dodge it with ease. Sending me tumbling to the side. I frowned. UGH. Flick his reflexes.

   I scanned the area, searching for a certain person. I always saw him whenever I make a killing. I could tell he was a fan of my work, which is very understandable. Considering I always made my prey do these ridiculous poses, not to mention drew some fabulous mustaches. Hey, it's not an everyday mark in this town. Psychos here usually make a mess, while I on the other hand... Make art.

   I always wondered who he is. You know, my number one fan. Just kidding! I knew him. He's a good fan. Maybe considered a good friend too.

  Nix tapped my shoulder lightly, he cocked his head towards the streets. Signaling me to start my action. I smirked and nodded, we made our way down.

   I'll deal with my fan problem later. It's time to make some art!




   Because of the wide range of preys I've got, I decided to just choose one randomly. After a little session of the 'eeny meeny miny moo!' I picked on my prey. His name is Cash. No seriously, his name is Cash! He's basically the son of one of the most wanted mafia on the country, Big Dough. From what I recall, he's not gonna be much of a challenge. He's ability was only focused on his mind, not his body. But to be honest, his brain is scary. Plotting and succeeding on capturing more than a hundred of the country's agent in order to get back one of his dad's partner. But that's in the past. And by past, I meant a few weeks ago.

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