Chapter Twenty

213 10 3

9:18 am ;
Banks' House

The scream of the girl erupts from the silver screen.
"Aaaaahhh! Help- help!"

Adam was sitting on the couch, watching some horror movie.
He was getting irritated by the sound of the vacuum coming from the room next to him.
Adam: mom!
Mrs. Banks: (turning the vacuum off to look at Adam) what?!
Adam: do you mind? (Pointing at the tv)

His mom was frustrated.
She was now walking towards him, as soon as she got to him, she stood in front of the TV...blocking the screen.

Adam was moving right to left trying to see.
Adam: mom!
Mrs. Banks: yes, Adam. I do mind. I'm your mother, I don't get to clean up all your shit. Everywhere I go, shit, shit! Everywhere.
Adam: yeah mom- can you move please?
His mom gave him a glare.
She huffed in frustration as she moved aside. Adam watched her walk upstairs to go to his room.
He shook his head and made himself comfortable as he heard screams and gun shots from the TV.

His mom was angrily picking his clothes off the ground, mumbling to herself.

"I quit! She says. I quit! Why would the made quit? Now I'm dealing with this crap! Crap! "

She was still picking up his clothes off the ground.
"Ugh, God, Adam would it kill you to clean up!?" She mumbled again.

She threw all his clothes on his bed. She bend down on her knees to check under his bed. She lifted up the long covers to get a better look. She saw a pair of blue jeans under his bed.

She sighed as she harshly snatched them from under the bed. She stood up in frustration.
"God, Adam." She mumbled again.

She threw the pair of jeans on his bed.
She shook her head and headed to his desk. It was bright yellow, there was a sliver light sitting on top of it, with a light red spinning chair tucked under it.
Papers were scattered all over the table.

Adams' room had white walls, his bed sheets were mint green, he had four stacks of wooden shelves stuck to his wall by the desk. Though the wood was blue, baby blue. Each self had hockey trophies, medals, certificates, all lined up neat. His windows were covered with light green curtains, making the room a bit darker. His carpet was a shade of brownish gold. His closet was white, all plain white. But he had hockey stickers decorating it.

Though, his walls were covered in posters of hockey players.

His mom shoved the papers on his desk into the trash. Which was a color of silver. Though, when she did, she came across four pieces of folded papers. They were a bit crumbled, but she could still read them.

She was suspicious, so she picked one paper up, unfolded it, and began reading. Though when she did, she wished she didn't.

What she read, what she read was everything Adam didn't want her to know. What Adam didn't want anyone to know.

She picked up all four papers. She read and read and read. Her heart leaped. She didn't know if she should be concerned or confused. But right now she was both.

Everything he's ever kept a secret, she knows.
He wrote everything he felt towards being gay. He wrote his feeling towards Charlie, he wrote why he couldn't tell anyone. He wrote about the varsity giving him a hard time about it, he also wrote about how he struggles with it.

She gently put the papers back on the desk. She held her heart a bit. She was really upset that she didn't see this before. She knew that he was sort of different, she's his mom.

His Confessions || Adam Banks ~ T.M.DWhere stories live. Discover now