Chapter Nine

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6:43 pm
Eden Hall, Ducks locker room
{After a hockey game}

Dwayne: (to Russ) did you see that? That was my best shot.
Russ: man, you wish

Guy: (to Connie) oh yeah, I did too.
Connie: it was incredible
Guy: I know
Connie: it was like--

Coach Orion: alright, ducks. That was a great game.
Everyone smiled and nodded their heads.
Charlie: thanks coach
Coach Orion: you guys were great out there, but, you guys better be greater at the championships, understand?

Everyone nodded.
Coach Orion: since you all did a great job, I've got a little surprise for you. Someone here wants to say hi.

Out of no where, the one everyone was dying to see again.
Coach Gordon: and congratulate you, of course.
Everyone jumped off of the benches.

Hey coach!
What are you doing here?
Awe, we missed you,
We're so glad you're here,
Hey, coach,
It's great to see ya.

Coach Gordon: hey guys.
Everyone had a chance to hug him and welcome him back.
The ducks sat back down as coach Bombay smiled with pride and joy.

Coach Gordon: look how big you've gotten. Aw, that was a great game out there, you really played like ducks.
Connie: thanks coach
Russ, Luis, Adam: yeah thanks

Coach Gordon: I asked my boss if I could take a day off to come see you guys, as soon as he heard you guys won this game, he instantly let me come. And let me tell you, you're a huge deal to my junior hockey team.

Charlie: how's hockey going for you? With your new team?
Adam: I'm kinda bummed you won't get to be our coach anymore.

Everyone nodded.

Coach Gordon: oh c'mon, just because I don't coach you doesn't mean I'm not gonna be there for you. I'm not your coach anymore, because you don't need me anymore. You're all grown ups, you know what's right from wrong, you know what hockey's all about, you've got it all-- on the ice, and in life itself. I'm not your coach, but you'll always be my number one team.

Everyone: (cheering, clapping) yeah! Alright coach!
Coach Bombay let out a slight laugh.
Coach Gordon: you're only a few weeks away from the final game of the season, you win that, and the ducks will be a known name for all eternity. You'll make hockey history.

Luis: we couldn't have done it without you, coach.
Everyone: yeah!
Coach Gordon: no, you guys didn't need me, all these years-- you're the ones who made it, even without me, you're making history everyday.

Everyone nodded their heads in approval and joy.
Coach Gordon: everyday, you prove yourselves better, everyday-- you become real ducks. Literally...I think I see a beak growing instead of that nose, Guy.

Everyone laughed, even Guy.
Guy: nice one, Coach.
Coach Gordon: alright-- now get over here and give me a hug before I leave.
Everyone laughed and got off the benches to hug coach Bombay.

Coach Gordon: remember-- no matter what happens, ducks fly together. No matter how tough it gets...
Everyone: ducks fly together!

Coach Gordon: that's right, ducks fly together always. And remember-- it doesn't matter if you win or lose, but winning is always more fun.

Everyone cheered and laughed.
They were all happy and joyful to see coach Bombay again, after all this time.

Charlie: will you come back for the final game, coach?
Coach Gordon: what kind of coach would I be if I wouldn't be there?

Everyone laughed once more and hugged him.
Coach Orion: alright team, it's getting late. You better go home and rest.
Coach Gordon: you heard the man, get outta here (laughing)

The ducks hugged coach Bombay once more before leaving Eden hall.
Coach Orion and coach Bombay shared a handshake and a friendly talk before both coaches left Eden hall as well.

* * * * * * *
7:01 pm
Eden Hall,
Hockey rink

It was 7 pm, his parents must've called a thousand times. Though, Adam wasn't in the mood.
Luis told him about Charlie's phone call.
He was worried, real worried.
Adam couldn't bring himself to go home yet, he couldn't play hockey yet either, but he'd still watch them play. He couldn't play at the game today, but he still cheered his team on.

Right now, Adam was sitting on the bleachers, the very top of the bleachers. He was just sitting there, looking at the frozen ice- admiring the beauty of it all.
White, shiny, glittery. He loved hockey, he loved being on the ice and having fun. He loved hockey, because he was good at it, Adam was good at hockey and that why he loves it so much.

Of course he was cold, considering he was wearing black sneakers, blue jeans, a white shirt, and only one blue jacket over the shirt. And a nice elegant black wrist watch.
His black beanie lays loosely on his head. Making it fall back a bit, half his hair uncovered.

He was just sitting there, looking at the ice.
He closed his eyes, in about five minutes or so, he felt someone sit next to him.

Adam: (closed eyes) I hear breathing-- Luis?
Coach Bombay: hey, Adam.
Adam jumped slightly as he opened his eyes to look at coach Bombay.

Adam: coach, hey. What are you doing here?

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