Chapter 01: Asgard

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After squeezing my eyes shut I suddenly felt land under my feet and I slowly open my eyes, to find myself a gold room. Gaping at my surrounding's I saw a man wearing gold armor with a matching helmet, holding a sword while looking down.

"Hey, you! Gold man!" I yelled, slowly moving across the ground while looking at him, he slowly raises his head and stares at me with orange eyes, "Where am I?" I asked him, not yelling anymore because i'm kind of shocked that he had orange eyes.

"You are at the Bifrost Bridge, young one"

"The what - oh, Norse mythology right? Wait... isn't that meant to just be a myth?" 

"No Florence, we are not a myth"

"Then are you Heimdall?" walking over to him I curiously poked his chest plate and realized that he is real as he nods, watching me in amusement - .... I guess.

"Why am I... here? On the Bifrost Bridge?"

"Do you know what the Bifrost Bridge connects to?" he ask's me in amusement.

"Kinda skipped that lesson, I only found out about you and Thor and his blonde hair, oh, and Loki since everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D hates his ass" 

"You speak so oddly Lady Flo"

"Hey, you know my nick name!" I grinned at him.

"You should be going now"

"What... where?" I asked, clutching my coat in my hands nervously.

"Out there" turning I saw the outside and I walked forward in awe. Unable to stop myself as I felt all giddy inside as I stepped out onto the bridge, and it instantly lit up under my feet. Staring at the beautiful bridge in awe as I stepped fore ward, watching the bridge turn red and green.

I stepped again, blue and purple. Giggling I jumped around the bridge, watching the bridge change colours, then I noticed the sea. Gasping I ran over to the edge and looked at the water, woah... this place is awesome!

Stepping back I looked up, my neck cracking from all of the head turning i'm doing, the sky is so beautiful...

Turning to the other side of the bridge I have yet to explore I nodded, letting a determined expression fall over my face as I zipped my black coat up and started to walk across the bridge - woah, woah, woah, why the hell am I walking?! Face palming I teleported to the beginning of the bridge and stared down at the green and blue under my feet... actually, I wonder what a rainbow tastes like - maybe if I bit the bridge I could find out - later though, i'm a bit busy with venturing forth.

Stepping off of the bridge I gaped at the palace and buildings in front of me, "Holy shit! Tony is gonna flip when he finds out i'm in a freaking awesome city!

Teleporting every twenty metres I nervously looked around at the empty city and teleported again and again, trying to find at least one soul to torture - I mean talk to.

Suddenly I teleported and appeared again and gasped - since... well... i'm surrounded by fifty people in amor with swords surrounding me.


"Florence of Earth, come with us"

"Yeah... I don't do good with swords" I swallowed and pushed my brown hair out of my face, "So, i'm just gonna leave now, bye!" I smiled before teleporting back to the bridge. Running across it without thinking, and got tackled to the ground.

"HEY!" I yelled as the guards grabbed me by my arms and pulled me onto my feet, "GET OFF YOU PESANTS!" I yelled, struggling as they dragged me back through the city while also surrounding me. Giving up I let them drag me into the palace while staring ahead in unamusement.

Large gold door's - i'm noticing a theme here - opened and I was dragged into what I think is the throne room. They stopped in front of a man sitting on his throne, "Florence of earth, i'm glad you could make it-"

"I didn't really have a choice in the decision" I ripped my arms out from guards grasp and glared at them, "Now can someone tell me where I am exactly?"

"You are in Asgard my child-"

"Where Loki and Thor are from?" the guy nods, "Okay... why and how am I here?"

The man dismisses the guards and I wait for him to speak with my arms crossed over my chest, "I am Odin, King of Asgard, and I have requested your presence"

Staring up at the elderly man I blinked, "I'm here now... so...?"

"I have asked Heimdall to search for one that can contain my son, Loki. He has come across you and I have chosen that you will change him since you can change even the most troubled of heart's"

"Uh.... what?"

"You have been chosen to help Loki become 'good'" 

"Oh... pfft, and why would I do that? Isn't he some forty-year old guy who killed a heap of people? Why should I help you change your son? Shouldn't you at least show initiative to try to help your son yourself?" I put my hands on my hips and glared up at the King of Asgard - oh shit, I just bad mouthed a freaking King!

"Hmm..." he eyes me before chuckling, "You will be perfect for the task. And to answer your question, I am a busy man-"

"To busy enough for your own son?! You sure are a lousy parent if you can't even find time for your kid!" I shouted at him - I really need to stop if I want to keep my head for a few more year's.

"He refuses my help, he despises me for many reasons and does not-"

"I get it, I get it, he hates your face" I cut him off, "And how about my life on earth, ha? Did you not think, just do? I have a family and job-"

"I have, and decided it wasn't worth more than what my son is capable of. Are you willing to help me?"

Sighing I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I'm still not clear on what I can do" I moaned, annoyed and frustrated with the whole entire situation.

"You are to be yourself and show my son how to be good"


"Just... be yourself, it'll work, trust me. And if his appearance ill's you so, I will change it"

"What, change...? Ugh, fine. What ever, what do I have to lose?" I sighed.

"Good, SEND. IN. LOKI" I put my hands over my ear's as he yelled.

The door's opened and I turned to find a guy with black hair wearing green robs walk in, "Yes father?"

"I have decided your punishment"

"Wh-" suddenly Loki is wrapped with blue light and I shielded my eyes, what the hell is going on?! I better not be drugged or Tony will not find his damn suit for weeks.

The light disappears from the gaps of the fingers and I slowly pulled my hands away from my face and stared at the teenager in front of me - because hol-y shit he was fine! But i'll never admit that out loud, i'm not an idiot.

"What..." Loki stared at his hands and then to me, then to his father, "What did you do?"

"You will stay in this form for as long as I desire, show Lady Florence to her room for the night, she's probably tired from her travels, and then go to your chambers and stay there" 


"Come with me" Loki spat at me and turn's on his heel before storming out of the throne room.

"Someone's very hormonal" I sang, skipping after the hot headed god who was in a teenage form, Loki, God of mischief and lies... let's see if I can give him a run for his Godly title, eh?

Catching up to Loki I followed him silently as he moved through the corridor's that made peoples views of heaven look like a cheap rip-off, "So... you live here?"

"Where else would I live?" Loki scoffs and stops at some door's, "There's your room mortal" he turn's on his heel and walks away.

He is so up himself for his own good.

Walking into the bedroom I paused before climbing onto the bed I sat there for a few minutes before falling onto my back, what teh fuck... how am I supposed to turn Loki good? This King sure is a bit 'in' the head, isn't he?

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