Chapter 3

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Amy and Daisy both grabbed a pair of flimsy swords, pointing at each other. Amy waited for Daisy to make her move, who seemed eager to go first. The Chao, Hero Chao and Dark Chao all watched in awe as Daisy and Amy striked each other, both of them beind tied with ten pounds after several knocks. Omochao served as the ref, hovering above the barrel he was inside of.

Amy smirked as she got an idea. "I know of one way to knock you down..." She ran towards Daisy, then jumped over, landing on Daisy and letting out a nasty fart.

The Chao in the audience all looked away from disgust as Daisy groaned, struggling to get up from underneath Amy. Amy let out another disgustingly loud fart as Daisy couged, too exhausted to fight.

"All right, Amy... you got me..." Daisy gasped as she struggled, letting out a deep poot as she groaned.

Amy giggled as she folded her arms. "That's Gassy Rosie to you, Daisy!" She squealed.

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