The threat

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When Fitz opened his eyes he couldn't see anything. He felt someone pull a bag off his head and he squinted his eyes as he saw a bright light above him. The lightbulb on the ceiling. He tried to move his arms but they where tied behind him to a metal chair. He groaned and realised there was a strip of duct tape across his mouth. He looked around the room, looking for some way out and he saw a sign he would recognise anywhere. Hydra

He knew this would happen. But somehow he couldn't remember how he was captured. He just remembered heading back to the bus after seeing Jemma and then being knocked out cold. He remembered he was about to kiss Jemma...Jemma! He suddenly thought. Did hydra have her too? Had they hurt her? Or is she back at home safe and well?

He was cut short from his frightening stream of thoughts as the door opened to reveal Daniel Whitehall. A man Fitz knew was head of hydra.

Whitehall knelt into front of Fitz and ripped the strip of tape from the young scientists lips. Fitz winced slightly but then put on a brave face

"What do you want?"

Whitehall let out a menacing laugh which would have probably scared the living day lights out of Ward.

"Oh agent Fitz.....I need you as an asset, if that wasn't obvious" Whitehall said with his head looking near a small lab across the room.

Fitz panicked but wouldn't give Whitehall the satisfaction he craved.

"Never" Fitz said with his head held high

"Okay.....I guess we'll have to move onto incentives" Whitehall said with a grin, confident his plan would work on the young agent.

Fitzs heart skipped a beat. Was he talking about Jemma?

Fitz jumped slightly as the doors opened and bakshi came through with a struggling figure with a bag over their head. The figure was tied to a chair before the bag was lifted from their head. It was jemma.

"NO!" Fitz screamed pulling against the ropes restraining him to the chair "LET HER GO!"

Jemma met Fitzs eyes

"Leo! Don't do it! Don't listen to them! Please....."

"Don't you dare touch her!" Fitz shouted

Whitehall grabbed a knife from the table and went towards Jemma

"Let's begin shall we"

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