I Love You

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Sitting in class, the sun was just over the horizon. I had trouble concentrating on what equals x thanks to one guy, Louis Tomlinson.

He is my boyfriend, bestfriend, and I haven't seen him in over five months. Sure, we skype and call as often as possible, but I miss being able to hold him and kiss him whenever I wanted.

His tour, though, is going great. Louis and the lads are turning into the biggest boy band out there, and I couldn't be happier for them.

When the bell shrilled, piercing me from my thoughts, I quickly gathered my bag and head toward the cafeteria.

"Laura!" I heard my best friend yell and I quickly spotted her sitting at our usual table in the middle of the cafeteria. I waved and walked over to her. "Hey Macy," I greeted and she smiled at me.

Yes, she knows I am dating Louis, infact she is dating Harry. "Hey Laura, you ready for some serious trash talk?" she said and I let out a small laugh.

Nobody else knows we are dating the guys, and the school bitch, Erin, has the hots for our lads. She goes on and on about how fit they are. She even told her friends that she was dating Louis...seriously!

I sat next to Macy and we began chatting about the lads in lowered voices. We were talking about their tour dates when Erin walks up to our table, "Look what the cat dragged in," Macy muttered underneath her breath and I laughed.

"Hey there losers, jealous that I'm dating one of the hottest guys out there? I'm sure your mad that you can't play out your petty little fantasies with Louis and the guys, but I guess you'll get over it," she said in a loud voice and everyone turned to look at us, obviously hearing what she just said.

I took a deep breath, "Look, Erin, just leave before you say something you'll regret," I said trying to be calm and she smirked, "Don't worry I wouldn't want to be seen within twenty feet of you losers," she spat and strutted, yes strutted, away.

I could here Macy mumbling profantities underneath her breath as Erin walked away. I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and she smiled at me. "Just think, we're the ones who really have the prize," I told her and she grinned, probably thinking of Harry.

I kept an eye on Erin as she made up fake stories about her 'dates' with Louis. She also decided to gloat that she had a one-time thing with Harry, and that got Macy fuming.

I could tell Macy was about to lose her already short temper. I was going to go tell Erin to stop lying when the door to the cafeteria flew open. Everything grew completely silent as five guys walked through the doors.

"Vas Happenin'?" Zayn said with a cheeky grin as he walked through. Erin paled and me and Macy lit up. Erin, being Erin, got up and walked over to Louis.

"Hey Louyyyyy," she said and Louis cringed, "Um, no offence but who the hell are you?" he asked. I knew he could tell she was a slut, he was good at reading people.

People gasped and began whispering, but the guys ignored them. "Hazza!" I heard Macy yell and I laughed as she ran up to him and gave him a nice long kiss, shocking everyone.

Louis then immediately spotted me and a giant grin spread across his face. "Baby doll!" he yelled and I got up and ran into his arms. He twirled me around as I laughed light heartedly. "Hey Lou-lou," I said as he set me down.

 We stood wtih touching forheads, "I missed you so much, love," he said and I smiled, "I missed you too," I replied and we kissed. It was long and sweet as our lips melted together.

I could now hear everyone whispering, but right now it was just me and Louis. When we finally pulled apart I was grinning. I heard voices clear and I turned to saw the guys standing there.

I laughed and pulled away from louis and gave all of the guys a hug. When I reached Harry I smiled at his hand wrapped with Macy's and hugged him too. I then returned to the safety of my love's arms.

 "hey Lou, guess what?" I said loudly and he smiled, "What?" he said curiously and I pointed to a frozed Erin. "That girl has a great love for you. So much that she just loves to make up little lies about dating you and Haz," I said and all of the guys turned to her.

We just stood there looking at her before we all laughed. "Oh my god, why would I date her? No offence, but she looks like a slut," Louis said stating the truth and Harry and the lads nodded in agreeement.

"Well, love, let's leave the rest of these people and go to my place. My family misses you," he said and i smiled. "I love your little sister," I said and he grinned at me before giving me a peck.

We walked hand and hand out of the cafeteria filled with shocked people. I had my Louis and the lads back, put Erin in her place, what else could I want?

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