A New Beginning

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"So... What do romantic couples DO?" I laughed as Edgeworth walked in my office's door. "They sort out case-files!" Edgeworth tilted his head, smirking. "Hey, Edgeworth! That's not romantic!" I grinned, he was so damn CUTE when he tried to be cocky. "Yeah, well... Your office is a wreck! We have a free day and hey, we can sort out your files..." Edgeworth placed a hand gently on my shoulder - he loved precision and despised messes. "But-"
"I love you so... How about for every THREE case files we sort, I kiss you once, eh?" He gingerly put a warm, steady hand on my cheek and brushed away a strand of misplaced hair from my forehead. I felt myself blush at his seductive touch. "Oh alright, then..." I smiled, leading him in toward my desk. There were files messily strewn over it and all in muddled piles on the shelves. "Look at the state of this place!" Edgeworth doubled over with laughter whilst I awkwardly stood in the corner, flushing red with embarrassment. "Don't you ever clean it?"
"No matter... That's what I'm here for!" He grinned. I grimaced. Somehow, the prospect of flitting through old case files for hours on a sunny day when I had spare time didn't appeal to me.

But it was Edgeworth.

He hastily sat himself down on the large, soft, jet black leather chair behind the desk. I turned to grab a smaller, wooden one, but Edgeworth stopped me by gently tugging my sleeve. "Huh...?" I turned back to face him, a look of confusion on my face. "There's no need to grab a chair!" He cocked his head slightly; "You can come and sit on my lap..." He grinned whilst I blushed. "Edge-"
"Come on..!" He softly grasped my waist and I was involuntarily swept off my feet and dragged towards him. I giggled with embarrassment. "There we go..." He gently lowered me, still grasping my waist, until I was perched comfortably on his lap. "Edgeworth..!" I fell into a round of laughter as he lightly tightened his grip of my waist, pulling me closer so that I could feel his luke-warm breath on my neck. "Are you comfortable?" He softly spoke, seducing me. "Yeah... But are you..?"
"Phoenix... As long as I've got the weight of you on me... I don't care..." His cheeks turned slightly rosy as he leaned into my face slightly more - only an inch away - and his hair tickled my cheek. "Let's get started, then..." I groaned. It was going to be a long day. "Hmm, let's see..." He used the arm which wasn't wrapped around my body endearingly to reach past me and grab a case-file. He brought it back and showed it to me, leaning to the side slightly to see past my back. "Look familiar?" He smirked, awaiting my response. "Ah... That's the trial I defended a few months ago..." I continued warbling on about details and Edgeworth listened intently, nodding his head as I spoke. He reached for two more case files, listening to what I said before neatly placing them on a pile on my desk. It took me by surprise as he leaned in and his soft lips caressed mine (I had been so enveloped in describing the cases, I'd forgotten about his deal!) I stiffened at first, eyes wide with shock as he lifted a hand tenderly to my face, softly stroking my hair as we kissed, my previous wound on the back of my head forgotten - it had been months since the fateful case with Lorenzo and my wound had healed and was no longer sore. My eyes eventually relaxed along with my body and I let myself go limp in his loving grip. He eventually pulled away and openly smiled at my surprised expression; "Caught you off guard, didn't I?" He nuzzled his cheek lovingly on mine as I forced my dry mouth to reply: "Yeah... Yeah, you did..!" I smiled contently.
"Let's continue." He reached for more and more case files as hours ticked by. Each time we did three case files, he kissed me and I eventually found myself drunk on love, his slave.

Of course, he didn't make me do anything unwillingly, but he had already intoxicated my senses so much that I'd willingly do ANYTHING for him!

After a few more hours, he stumbled across a case file I never wanted to be unearthed and my succumbed, drunk on love state was shattered by the sight of it. "How about this one?" He was about to open it before I hastily stopped him by firmly gripping his pillow-soft skin. "Don't open that!" I snapped with a hint of urgency as he spread an expression of surprise. "Why not...?"
"You don't need to see that..." My voice quietened as the sentence trudged on and adrenaline coursed through me, bringing nerves along with it. "Phoenix...?" He leant into my face, alluringly pecking me on the cheek, trying to convince me. I almost fell for it, but quickly stiffened before it was too late; "Please... Just put it on the shelf..." I whimpered.
"I do not comprehend..." He brushed my cheek gently with his hand. I didn't resist.

I didn't notice, though, that he had sneakily stuffed the case file deep in his blazer's pocket.

Night fell fast and before we knew it, all the case files were sorted and we were wrapped in a thick blanket of darkness. "I'll go turn the light on..." I cautiously slipped out of Edgeworth's possessive grip and off of his welcoming lap and hobbled towards the light switch by the doorway to the corridor. "Where's Maya and Pearl? Surely they can't see us... Loving each other?" Edgeworth frowned as I made my steady way back toward him. "Ah, her and Pearl are in Kurain Village training for a week or so. We're safe for now..." I sighed happily as Edgeworth welcomingly grasped my waist as I neared him. "I guess I better get going..." He wistfully murmured as I slid off his lap unwillingly. "Wait... Edge it's already 9:00pm!" I paused, feeling a sense of nausea and regretting what I'd said. 9:00pm. Too many bitter memories. "Yes...?" Edgeworth noticed me grimacing. "Why don't you stay here overnight...?" I smiled, stopping as I heard footsteps down the hallway. I ignored it, thinking it was my overactive imagination.

Besides, Edgeworth didn't notice anything.

"Really, you don't have to-" He blushed as I cut him short; "No, really! There's only one bed here, but I'll sleep on the sofa, it's fin-"
"Phoenix! Don't be silly!" He briskly rose to his feet and cupped my chin in his hand, making me blush. "We can sleep together - boyfriend and boyfriend..." I felt his breath on my face and I saw his alluring, glittering brown eyes, alive with eagerness. "O-ok..." I smiled, embarassed, but graciously accepting the offer. I loved him dearly and looked forward to the prospect of sleeping with his comforting arms around me, protecting me. Truth was, I didn't feel safe alone at night without anyone there. Edgeworth would comfort me and make me feel secure. "I'll show you where to brush your teeth." I grinned, feeling his arm slide down to my waist as he replied with a soft: "Ok," I led him down the tiled hallway, past various rooms - such as the kitchen - until we reached the end (the bathroom!) "In there you'll find a spare toothbrush and toothpaste..." I gently pushed open the door for him, revealing a stark light turquoise bathroom with a white sink, shower and toilet. "I'll be in our room, the first on the right," I pointed to a plain white wooden door as he graciously nodded; "Thank you..." He kissed me on my forehead lightly before walking in the bathroom.

Phoedgeworth #2 ~ Turnabout TrustWhere stories live. Discover now