Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


2 weeks later..


"Olivia! Cover me I'm going into the woods!"

I turn around and see Olivia looking at me like I'm crazy

"WHY are you going into the woods?" She responds while walking towards me.

I sigh and roll my eyes

"BECAUSE we're running low on food, and besides its only the start of October there'd still be berries out right?"

Olivia shrugs her shoulders

"Oh just come on!" I say walking into the woods with 2 plastic bags and beckoning for her to come with me.

After a few seconds I hear a groan and Olivia comes with me, along with her shotgun.

Once I hear Olivia's footsteps get closer she puts her hands on my shoulders.

"What are you doing?- FUCK!"

I jump backwards and whip my pistol out from my back pocket as I realize that it's not Olivia it's a zombie.

I shoot the zombie square in the forehead.

"OLIVIA!" I shout.

"COMING!" I hear faintly.

After a few minutes she comes running up beside me

"I heard gun shots"

I roll my eyes and sigh

"Yeah! A fucking zombie tried to get me! Where the hell were you?!" I practically shout.

Olivia takes a step backwards

"Okay first calm the fuck down and I found a bush of blackberries" she explains.

"Oh, well don't distance yourself. If I didn't have my pistol I would of been dead" I tell her sternly

I resume to searching for a berry bush and come across some blueberries. I pick till one bag is full then search on till I find a tiny raspberry bush that I pick quickly.

When I'm done I find Olivia finishing picking a blackberry bush.

"Ready to head back?" I ask her.

"Yup" is all she responds.

"Where the hell are we gonna put these? They'll be gross if we put them in our bags"

"I don't know, maybe with the water bottles? They were filled yesterday at that corner store we found, and besides the ice in them would help keep them hopefully fresh" I explain while we make our way back to the car.

When we get back we take pit the water bottles and put them with the berries.

When I go to get back into the front seat Olivia practically yells at me


I whip around pulling out my gun and shoot the uncomfortably close zombie twice in the head.

"Thanks" I say then turn and get back into the car and put in my seatbelt.

"Now where to?" Olivia asks me

"I don't know, wherever the road takes us."


After a while of driving Olivia taps me hard on the shoulder

"Hey Hannah look on your left"

I turn my head to the left and see a small looking corner store

"Wanna pull over?" I ask

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