Chapter 20- My Life Saver

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Justin POV:

      Alexis was running a half an hour late. Where was she? I was starting to get worried. It doesn't take this long to get nails done... don't ask how I know that. I'm going to go to the nail salon and find her.

"Hey, Frank. Something came up, can we finish up another day? This is very important."

"I don't care what it is we're doing the shoot today." my blood boiled.

"You know what? You're selfish. Cancel the whole shoot. I've got other things to take care of." I gathered my items and slammed the door behind me.

       What the hell was going on? Was she dead? Ugh, I can't think that way. She's alive because she's a strong girl. I'm going to find her even if something gets in my way. Alexis is a fighter, she can make it through. I parked my car and the nail salon and walked inside. I walked up to the cashier.

"Um hi. Did a girl about this tall, long blonde hair and blue eyes enter your store and get her nails done? Did she look about 17?"


she cleared her throat.

"I mean, yes. She left 45 minutes ago. Is there something wrong?" she looked concerned.

"Yes. I can handle it, but I need your help. Can you call the police? She was supposed to meet me somewhere and hasn't showed up. I'm very worried."

"Sure anything for you!" she winked. She wasn't that pretty.

     I ran out of the store, waiting for the police to arrive until...

"AHHHH HELP! HE--" her scream was cut off. 

     It would take the police awhile to arrive, so I decided to see what was going on. I walked until I reached an alley and I heard a man talking.

"You won't scream, or hit, or escape, you got that little slut?" he sounded evil.

"The fuck?" I screamed. The guy stood up and revealed Alexis, she was all bruised and bloody.

"Oh, I remember you... I did my research after I left the woods... you're Justin Popstar Bieber. How cute. Are you guys like a couple? Not for long, cause I'm gonna rape and hurt this cunt. I'm going to torture her until she's done breathing." My face was red, my nose flared.

"This is the police. Is everything alright?" Three men in police officer outfits entered the dark alley with flashlights.

"No it isn't! This guy tortured my girlfriend!! Justin Bieber hurt my girlfriend!!" 

"Wait, what??!" I yelled. "I didn't do shit!" I shoved one of the officers. They slammed me on the ground.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you."

Soon enough, I was in handcuffs. Being taken away from my everything and going to hell.

     I turned back and saw Alexis staring at me with a I'll-find-a-way-out look. I'm going to jail, and she's left alone with that guy. Who was he? Once I get out of here, I'm going to kill that bastard. He isn't going to get away for hurting my girl. I just hope I get out soon enough.

*3 months later*

Alexis POV:

     It's been 3 months. 3 months I've been trapped in this room, 3 months that Ronnie has tortured me, and 3 months since I've seen Justin. It was killing me, not seeing him. I missed his face, his lips, his eyes, his touch... I've been crying every second of every day. I'm stuck in this hell hole, with my arms tied together, being locked in this huge room. All the room has in it is a bed, and a few creepy paintings, and a vase with a dead rose. It was such a depressing room that would be fresh in my memory forever. I miss my old li--

"I'm back, baby. And I'm up for some fuuun!" Ronnie was clearly drunk.

"Leave me alone. Get out! Stay away!" I yelled.

"Aww, that's no way to talk to your boyfriend. Come on, don't you miss my lovin'?"

"No! I don't! I hate your guts, and if you think you're going to get away with this, you're mistaken."

He took out a pocket knife.

"Repeat that for me one more time?"

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH ANY OF THIS!" I'm such an idiot.

     His face turned red, he was obviously angry. His eyes turned black. Ronnie drags the knife softly against my bare leg, cause some blood to escape. While doing so, he continued to stare into my eyes. He wanted me dead.

"Even if I don't get away with anything, you'll be dead before I go to jail. Before I die, my one thing to accomplish is to get my revenge. That is by killing YOU."

     With that being said, he took the knife and sliced my cheek. I started crying softly. Then he stopped. He looked at me, dropped the knife, and crouched down as I slid down the wall.

"You see what you do to me? You've made me into a monster..." he punched the wall, missing my face by just centimeters. Then, he left the room and locked the door.

"Don't worry. Justin will be out in just 5 more months..."

     I looked at the rose for a brief second, I saw it come back too life. I blink my eyes twice and it turned dead again. I sighed, and layed down. Might as well try to get some sleep.

"5 more months in this hell hole... how will Justin know I'm here? I'll just pray..."

~I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber~



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