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Dear Harry,

Things are still tough, but I am trying to manage. Something that has been getting me through the days is the memories of our senior year. Oh, what an eventful year that was. 

When we went back to school after summer vacation, I was so worried that we wouldn't have a class together. I remember how much I stressed the night before the first day back, so much that I even called you up crying in the middle of the night. You told me that everything would be alright, that we would probably have a class together, and if we didn't, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

Funny how I had gotten so worked up about you not being in a fifty foot radius of me; never in a million years would I have imagined that I would be on the other side of the globe from you.

Anyway, when we got to school, all of my troubles disappeared. By some miracle, we had the same english class together. On the second day of class, our teacher, Mr. Green, announced that we were going to be assigned our first project of the year. As our entire class (us included) groaned in displeasure, Mr. Green started handing out composition notebooks.

"In our first unit we will be studying the future, so to start it off, I'd like you all to establish a sense of your future. In one week from today I expect all of you to turn in your notebook with a prediction of where you see yourselves in ten years. I will be the only one reading them so don't be afraid to be completely honest."

While the rest of the class continued to groan, I began thinking. 

Ten years was such a long time away... What would I be doing when I am 27? Will I be married? Will I have kids? What will I look like? Where will I live? What will I be doing? 

Dozens and dozens of questions suffocated my thoughts, the entire idea of the future intriguing me to no end.

After school that day, I sat on the floor in your basement, staring at the blank notebook. My hand hovered over the empty pages with my pencil for a while- I had no idea what to write, absolutely nothing came to mind. That is, until I looked up, and saw you a few feet away from me, in the midst of your math homework. Suddenly my mind exploded with ideas and I quickly began writing, not wanting to leave anything out.

In ten years, I am not sure what I am going to be doing exactly, but I know I will be with a boy named Harry Styles. We will have a small house by the ocean where we will spend most of our time. Each morning I will make us breakfast while he is still in his slumber. Each morning he will get woken up by the sound of the waves hitting the shore just outside the window, and the smell of pancakes and bacon, and each morning he will come downstairs, wrap his arms around my body, and kiss me from behind. We will spend our evenings together, taking long walks on the beach and reading Shakespeare in our den. We will drink tea and laugh, make eachother smile with bad jokes and silly face, and never care how foolish we look. Maybe we will have a pet dog, because I know Harry has always wanted one for the longest time. I hope we have three kids- a little girl named Charlotte, and two boys named Charlie and Jack. Harry will teach the kids to ride bikes and I'll teach them how to make my famous cookie recipe. I'll braid Charlotte's hair and Harry will show the boys how to play sports. Each night Harry and I will put our children to bed, telling them stories of kings and queens and princesses and superheros. Once they go to sleep, Harry and I will spend the rest of the night together, just talking, because we will never get tired of each other, we will never run out of things to say. I will make sure that our daughter knows she is beautiful, and Harry will teach the boys to always treat girls right. In the spring we will pick the honeysuckles that have just begun to bloom. In the summer we will travel- perhaps to Paris and Italy- where we will introduce our kids to all the different cultures of the world. In the fall we will rake the fallen leaves that have been strewn around naked trees and watch with smiles on our faces as our kids jump around in the piles. In the winter we will go on a skiing trip and play in the snow, and the kids will want to have a snowball fight. Reluctantly, we will agree, and split up into a girl team, and a boy team. While the children are busy pegging chunks of ice at each other, Harry will let me win before the fight even starts, surrendering as I cuddle up in his lap. We will watch our children, thinking about how that once was us. He'll sneak a few kisses, and whisper how much he loves me, and I will smile to myself, because I will have it all- the husband, the kids, the perfect cliché life- and I wouldn't change it for the world.

I was so concentrated in writing my essay that I had not noticed that you snuck up on me and was watching me write. Before I knew what was happening, you grabbed the notebook out of my hands and ran to the other side of the room so I couldn't get it.

"Harry, no!" I yelled, overly embarrassed at what I wrote, but it was too late. 

I watched in pain as your eyes drank up my fantasies, no emotion on your face. I was scared- you was so hard to read and I had no idea how you would react. I was ashamed that when thinking about the future, you were the only thing that came to mind. I didn't care about if I had a job or how much money we had- all I cared about was you. All I wanted was the assurance of going to sleep next to you and waking up next to you, having you be the first and last thing I see every day. I wanted us to have the same fairytale ending as the people in the books did. I didn't want anything more than to be your princess and you to be my prince charming.

After a few agonizingly long minutes, you finally looked up from the notebook. You looked at me with such intense emotion, and yet I couldn't tell what you were feeling. You lightly set down the book and walked over to me, placing your hands on my hips and leaning your face in so close that our lips merely brushed.

"I love you," you said, before placing a soft kiss on my lips.


Something so simple as a three word, eight letter phrase should not have made my knees buckle, and yet it did. It was not the first time you had said it- growing up we said it to each other on a regular basis. But this time it was different. You didn't mean it as my best friend; you meant it as my boyfriend. You confessed to me that you loved me, and that meant so much, especially because I knew I loved you since we were in middle school.

I wrapped my arms around your neck, alternating glances between your eyes and lips, before returning your kiss and whispering, "I love you too."

Before I go, I'd just like to inform you that Mr.Green gave me an A+ on that project, and every single day I still wonder if my prediction will ever come true.

I have a feeling it just might.

With so much love,

Ella Wella



Read my FINISHED stories, "The Step-Brother" "The Teacher" and "The Boy That Saved My Life"




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