Chapter One

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Once apon a time long time ago. Well not that long ago 15 years but still a lot can happen in that time. Every kid grew up listening to their mom. Tell them fairytales story I didn't I grew up in a difficult life. When I was four my mother died. Her name was LillyAnna Anderson she had long curly hair, that looked like a very. Bright brown in the sun but in the dark lighting looked black. Her eyes were special not only because there brown with gold streaks. But because you could see the love,happiness,life in them even when she was on her death bed. She made me promise her that I will not let the hardships in life keep me from happiness. I promised her that night she passed on September 14,2001 at 11:20pm. A week before my birthday we had the ceremony a day before my birthday and buried her the next day on my birthday. It was the saddest birthday ever. Since then I hated birthdays anyone's but especially mine. I should introduce my self. My name is James Anderson today is my 18 birthday I go to Wood Lock High School. It's mine senior year usually I would blow off school but I haven't been their all week. The principal threatened me if I was absent today he would keep me from my diploma. So I'm just going to blow of school the other half of the day. Im just dressed in my normal clothes. Gray button up with my black skinny jeans. My all black converse and made my way to my motorcycle. I love it literally,black and gray. Once I parked it in the parking lot of the school. Everyone of these idiots here know that no one can park next to me. Or even get near it, if they so much as breath on it I would make their life a living hell. What, I'm a guy who loves his bike. Even when I go on "dates" I take my dads Lamborghini. The only girl that's brave enough to come and talk to me. Is the the schools "Queen Bitch" or as in my books my fuck buddy or as many call her. The school slut which is really true she slept with half of the guys here. The other half she thinks isn't worthy of her time. Her true name is Madison Mason. She comes right towards me right when I walked. Through the front door with her minions one on each side of her Jessica on her left and Madeline on her right. After Madison they are the biggest sluts in the school but you know what they, say sluts always stay in packs like wolves. After them constantly clinging to you already know what they talk about. Shoes,shopping,money,snap etc. I was about to tune out the conversation when I heard. Madison yell something to Jessica. I ask her and she told me a new girl. She said she's just a nerd a loser to everyone it will die down. Everyone knows when's my birthday is curtsy of Madison. Because once she put together a birthday surprise I got furious with her and told her. I hate birthday especially mine to make sure everyone in school knows. No one is allowed to celebrate or even speak a word of my birthday. Since then no one has talked about birthday in the school. We walked to our table in the middle of the cafeteria. Lucas,Alex,Adrian are already their with two girls Lucas is talking to Adrian while he was flirting. Madison sat next to me more like on me but there's not much I can do. Lucas,Alex,Adrian have been my friends since we were six. Years old were a really close group there like my brothers. After my mom passed my dad threw himself into his work he owns this big technology company I don't see him at all anymore. Alex and Adrian are twin brothers there mom is a big fashion designer. Lucas dad does a lot of business deals, or something so we pretty much are all, rich with hardly any parents around. But none of us care about the money I mean yes it's good having money but there's so many fake people out there. That just like us because we're hot and have money. The bell just sounded for first period which unfortunately means. I have to go to the office. To make sure the principal saw me at school today so I say good by to our group and head to the main office. I'm sitting in one of the seats waiting to see the principal next to me a girl with a black hoodie on. I only saw a glimpse of her but she had a thick layer. Of make like she's trying to hide something including herself.

Alena Pov
My name is Alena Rodriguez I have long blonde hair with blue,green eye. I'm 5,6 feet tall I'm about to turn 18 in two weeks. I just moved here from Southern California, with my dad my mom passed away three years ago. It was getting harder to deal with her death there so my dad moved us here. He tried to deal with it for as long as he could. But two years ago he started to do drugs to take away the pain away he comes home drunk every night. Mostly when he's drunk he likes to hit me couple of times either on my stomach or on my face he gets mad. He believes it was my fault of why my mother died she was going to my friends house to pick me up. From a sleepover when a drunk driver ran the red light and hit full speed into my moms car. She died on in packed I'm not aloud to have any friends to talk to or anyone. My dad let me keep the car she had after they fixed it. When he gave me the keys to her dodge midsize car blue. "He said here maybe I'll get lucky and it will kill you to." Despite that I didn't care I was happy to have a car now when ever I want to get away from him I can just drive. But if I'm gone to long then he will beat me saying you can't always hide from people and your problems. I start school today thank goodness I love school not only. Because of learning but to get away from my dad. I wanted to start earlier but my dad kept me he wanted me to stay home and put everything where it needs to go. I grabbed an apple from the table for breakfast. I was dressed in my normal clothes dark blue skinny jeans with a white and black shirt on. With my black and white converse my all black hoodie to match. I was trying to be quiet so my dad wouldn't wake up but. No such luck he woke up right when I was heading to school. He slapped me across my face on the right and left. Lucky before I started my car I put on a think layer of foundation. So no one could see the bruises starting to form. Grabbed my keys and headed to my favorite place on earth school. I just pulled up to Wood Lock High school I was going to park right next to someone's bike but I saw that even people who saw the spots open. Didn't even park there so I just found an open one near the other side of the parking lot. I was going through the front entrance of the school I had to go to the main office. To get my schedule and locker I was waiting for the secretary to get it so I sat down on one of the seats. The bell rang I'm guess for first period to start someone sat down next to me. He had amazing brown eyes with gorgeous light brown hair he is well built 5,10 tall. He was staring at something else so I looked away before he could see me staring at him. I looked back up to see him staring at me I looked away. Before he can see my makeup to cover the bruises I looked back to the ground. When he was about to say something but the secretary cut him off by calling my name. She gave me my locker combination and gave me directions to it and gave me a map of the school so I can find my classes. I walked out in search of my locker I finally found it. I took out all the books I don't need until after second . I have English with Mr. Jackson for first period and second I have math with Mrs. Willson and then third astronomy with Mr. Tate. Finally for fourth period economics with Mrs. Gomez. Then lunch and then I get to go home since i don't have any other classes. And on Tuesday and Friday I have gym after economic. I closed my locker and search my English class I saw the guy from this morning. Walking down the halls we got to the same door. He ask me if I had this class for first period I told him yes he opened the door for me to walk in. Everyone looked up at us I walked over to the teacher and gave him my schedule he told me to take a seat. He doesn't tolerate tardiness but he let it slide since I'm new to the school. But he gave the guy a detention for being late he said "tardy again Mr.Anderson now you have detention after school for an hour." He put on a fake smile and a wink to me and said "I'm sorry Mr.Jackson I was just trying to be a good person and show Alena to her class but. I had to help her find her locker first." The teacher turn back to me and said is this true did James help you find your locker and your class. I didn't know what to do but he seems like someone. That I should just help out. And lie then to cross him so I said yes he helped that's why we were late to your class. The teacher sighed and say very well just don't let it happen again you may take your seats he sat in the right back corner and I sat in the left corner of the room. I looked at him and we made eye contact for second he winked at me and then faced the board. Hi my name is Hope what's your name oh sorry my name is Alena Rodriquez I just moved here. We know everyone knows about you, your new to the school. Yea I just moved here from Southern California how does everyone know me already. Well it's a very small town, so when someone moves in it's hard to miss.

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