Chapter Thirteen

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Hearing my alarm go off the next day was all i heard waking up. Uh why cant i stay home. "Because we have to go to school. We promised my dad that we will do all the work and not skip anymore just for fun". The one time your not wrong. Fine but I'm going to be a lazy day. Be careful babe remember today is Gym. I'll still wipe the floors with you Williams. Good to know Anderson you don't know anything about me. We will see how you do. Finally getting off the bed i got to the closet to get some clothes. Being just the lazy person im. Just grabbed a simple outfit for today.

After that i went to my drawer and pulled out under clothes and sports wear for gym today

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After that i went to my drawer and pulled out under clothes and sports wear for gym today.Looking up i see James coming out of the restroom. Wearing his clothes for today and might i say he looks amazing as always.

Switching i go into the restroom to take a shower

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Switching i go into the restroom to take a shower. Fifteen minutes later i come out and change. Coming out i just go to my vanity and get a hair tie. Just to out my hair in a messy bun. Grabbing my back pack and then my sports bag i am ready. Okay james i am ready when ever. Turing around i see that james has all his stuff ready to go like me. "That's fine i am ready to". With that we walk together down the stairs refusing james carrying me. I have to much stuff for him to carry me and my bags. Placing down our bags near the front door we go to the kitchen. Okay james what do you want to eat today. "Humm how about pancakes with sausage and eggs". Sounds great. With that i get started on the food a good fifteen minutes later i finished. Making two plates i set two pancakes on mine and set four on james with eggs and sausage. Setting both our plates down i go around eat. Sitting down i get to eating. I eat most of my food this time getting half way through my second. Until i couldn't finish it anymore. Passing it over to james he happily takes it. Seeing him devour the rest. I wonder how he stays so fit. How do you stay so fit? When you eat a lot everyday. "Well you see when i am not with my lovely girlfriend. I go work out in the gym in the house". Oh okay. Hearing him say lovely and girlfriend making me blush hard. Rapping his arms around me he gives a quick side head kiss. "Come lets go my little tomato". Hearing that i blush even more. Come on we have to go were going to be late. "Fine lets go". Going out of the kitchen we go the door. Picking my bags we go and i settle that we can go into my car. Since we can just put our stuff in the back seat instead in the Ferrari. We would have to put it in the trunk. Unlocking it i put my stuff in the back and james doing the same. Once inside i start the car and crank the heater high. As soon as james is in we leave. So christmas is in two weeks james what do you want? "Baby i don't need anything from you. As long as you spend christmas with me. I could get nothing and love it". That's sweet but i really am going to get you something. With that he changes the conversation back on me. "So miss Williams what would you like for christmas"? James you gave me so much already i don't need anything. "Now who's being a stubborn person miss Williams". Haha seriously if you want to get me a present. Then whatever it cost you have to give the same amount to a charity. "Okay deal". With that the conversation ends and we have pulled up to the school. Turing the car off we get off and get our stuff from the back. Holding my back pack and sports bag. "Here let me get that for you". James offers and take my sports bag from me. Leaving me no time to argue. Checking my watch i see we are still early enough. So we head to the cafeteria where all our friends are. Walking hand in hand we get there in a few minutes. Walking in was so weird everyone got so quiet. James not carrying about everyone, just pulled me to our table. Seeing everyone is there already setting our stuff down. James sits down and pulls me down with him. Okay i guess so Anderson. "Yep Williams". I was about to reply when Hope chimes in. Wait i thought your name was Rodriquez. Its both i have two last name Rodriquez being the first. And Williams being the second i use to go by my middle name. Combine my middle name Marie with my other last name Williams. Oh okay then. Anyway girls/guys i recently found out that my grandpa is. Mason Williams he throws a big christmas ball every year. This year since he just found me and his health is not so well. He decided to make me owner of the company. So the ball were hosting i would like to invite everyone. Looking i see that everyone has there mouths open. Before they could ask anymore questions the bell rings for class. Hopping out of james lap i pick my stuff up and start walking away. James following right after me. Taking one last look and them and screaming at them. Okay nice talk we will talk more at lunch bye!! With that i leave out the cafeteria doors with james. James coming up behind he takes my bag back from me. Heading to our lockers so we won't have to hold them all day. After that was done we go to our class together walking in hand and hand. "What i don't know is how did they didn't use your second last name". When I inrolled i request to use only Rodriquez. "Oh okay i know its a sore subject but what did your dad say about it". I heard stories that when i was born he made a big fuss about it. He wanted my mom to change it or not even to go by it all. But my mom said that the name was important and its apart of me. I guess i know what shes means now. Putting my mom into this has now put me into a sour mood. James giving me a needed hug knowing that my mother is a even more sore topic. Letting him go i give him a smile of gratitude. Come on I'm okay lets go in before we get in trouble. "Aww babe don't you get it were billionaires we can't get in trouble". Shut up i don't want anyone to know. "Aww fine then but you know soon everyone will know. At the ball it will be broadcast in the news,tv,internet". Yeah i know but at least i can have time to adjust. "Okay if that's what you want,that's how it will be". Thank you. With that being said we get in class.
(Lunch Time)
I just finished my last class for today except with gym after lunch. Hope has left me alone in all the classes we had. Guess they agreed to ask all the questions during lunch. Walking into lunch we go and sit down. Decided not to have james get me lunch i go through the regular line. Getting​ a funky looking pizza i get fries, browny and a water bottle. Taking my wallet out at the end of the line. People giving me a nasty look that are around me. I pull out my card that my grandpa gave and swipe it. Looking around i see that everyone is giving me that look. That they are mad at me seeing that im with james. Probably saying ohh look that's his card shes using him. If only they knew. Putting the card back i walk back to the table and sit down. Sitting down next Hope who doesn't have food. Do you want some food Hope? No its okay Lucas is bringing me some food. Oh okay cool i know you probably want to know everything about what's going on. But i don't want this all about me. We have to have some girl time. Special since i see how you and lucas are together. Seeing her blush i knew i hit a soft spot. 'For sure we can do a girl weekend this weekend or when ever your free'. I think this weekend will be perfect. 'Good we will set it up after you tell us all what's going on. And why you were mad when you came from the line'. "Aww who ever made tomato face mad today they shall be executed". Haha Anderson. Him setting his plates down he picks me up and places. Me on his lap. Facing him i still have my upset face looking in his eyes, i see concern and love. When i was in the line i pulled out the card my grandpa gave me. Everyone looked at me like they thought it was your card. Oh look at her shes with james that must be his card. Its like they think im a gold digger trying to get your money. That's not who i am. "I know sweet heart its one of many reasons i love you". With that said he gives me a kiss sweet and gentle. We look back to the table and see everyone looking at us. The girls looking at us in aww and the guys are bored. "Anyway lets gets to eating babe you still need, to explain about the ball this friday". Okay. A few minutes later we have all finished our food i only ate a little. While james ate the rest of it. Feeling that it was the right time i get everyone attention. Anyone have any questions for us? Hope starts off first. Question number one. 'Can we go shopping on friday with you so we can get ready and everything'. Looking over to all the girls i see they are all agreeing with her. I guess james and i are going to present our presentation on friday. But Jason's says if you guys do that just make sure you tell your parents. He doesn't want anyone's parents getting mad at him. Great its settle we will all get off on friday so we can go to the ball and shopping. Great now anything else? Next was Ashley. When you mean everyone does that mean Charlie as well. I do he's the one i was mostly sending the invite too. With that said everyone looks at me like im crazy. Thinking back to what i said they probably meant it in a bad way. What i meant to say is Charlie is the only one who might need an actually invite. You see james told me that Lucas, Alex, and Adrian should already be going. So i just assumed that Lucas would take hope. Alex would take jessica and Adrian Melissa. Everyone except james gave that ohh look of understanding. Knowing james he probably already knows what i meant. A minutes pass and the bell rings for gym. Oh okay well time to kick my loves ass at what ever sport we have. "No way baby girl i love you but your going down". Will see Anderson. With that being said we all get up and head to the gym. Walking in i see we are some of the last people to be there once the bell sounds for class to start. 'Alright all of you go change out and then i will tell you what we are doing'. Hearing that James leaves but not before giving me my sports bag and a kiss to the check. Hope and I go with the rest of the girls to the locker room. Having Madison out it's been very peaceful for everyone especial all the girls. I get into a cute but warm outfit not knowing if we will go outside. 

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