Part 10

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//Some reference art that I drew myself--

"Alright, today's the big day..!" Sapphire beamed happily, unboxing the prosthetics and all.

Sadly, these things had taken much longer to ship than they had wished. It had been almost a week now. But it was now the day that they had been waiting for. It was time to make Bill's physical body.

"I'm gonna do the old-fashioned pentagram. It just works better for organization. And I'm gonna need you to get in the middle of it when I draw it." The greenette explained, humming as she set all the items to the side and went to go get a piece of chalk and a few other things. This had to be done outside, because it was going to get a bit messy and flashy.

Soon she had returned with a piece of chalk, some candles, and bottles of blood that posed as enough to substitute for the ritual. Bill stood back and watched her eagerly as she drew the pentagram, lit the candles and placed them on the outside, and placed each body part inside of the circle accordingly. She set the bottles of blood inside as well, and left a space in the middle of it all for Bill.

She glanced up at him and smiled, "Now you get in the middle. I'll recite the words, and the body should begin to build itself up, and when it's done, you'll be sucked inside and hopefully that'll be the end of it."

"Great!" Bill cheered, zipping over to the circle and taking his seat excitedly in the middle. Sapph giggled.

She sat down in front of the circle on her knees, "Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

Sapph nodded, and thus began to speak:

"Et hanc vim meam, rogo ut mihi auxilium Luciferi hoc carmen liceret corpus abiecit."

She paused for a moment when everything in the circle began to glow, including Bill, who didn't seem phased. She continued.

"Sceleratis datum est. Create huius corporis et animi transferre somnium esse daemonium habes!"

In the next moment, all of the body parts began to connect rapidly, the blood flowing from the bottles to coat the members all over. At this point, Sapphire had to look away from the blinding light, shielding her face as she heard Bill cheering.

Then, almost as quickly as it started, everything stopped and went quiet. Sapph waited for a moment, then peeked out.

It was calm now, as if nothing had happened. She reluctantly looked to the pentagram, seeing the bare body that had been created. She blushed a bit at its nudeness, ignoring the nether region parts. She crawled over, poking the vessel.



"..h-hey, Bill. C'mon..."

Still nothing.

"You're scaring me Bill, come on!"



The girl fell back, covering her face and whimpering as she curled up. "That's not funny, Bill..!"

"Sure it is! It's hilarious! But besides that, look at me! I'm gorgeous!"

She removed her hands to see Bill's body lingering over hers, making her cheeks heat up.

Man, to say he was gorgeous? That was an extreme understatement.

His skin was a nice dark tan, and his cheeks were littered with a small amount of freckles. His right eye was wide and golden, and his other was a bit different. The whites were black, and the pupil and color were replaced by plain red. But his hair was exactly the same as the wig, except styled a bit differently. The same dirty blonde and dark brown color, but it mostly stuck up in the back to let the brown show underneath. He was generally skinny, and tall like he wanted. Around 6'7", towering over Sapph's small stature of 4'10". But like the man they had taken from, his arms had a bit of muscle. In her eye, he was practically the definition of handsome.

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now