5; Zipper

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Sonny was brought back to consciousness not much later. There was quite a bit of noise going on outside the bathroom stall. The frantic, giggly voices were carried beneath the stall door and to the teenager's ears. He blinked in the flickering light to see the shadows of two pairs of feet passing by the stall. The teenager shivered. He didn't want to talk to anybody. He only wanted to hide.

He watched the shadows of the two hurry inside the stall beside him, their giggling increasing substantially. Sonny watched them curiously. What on Earth were two people doing in one stall? That seemed very absurd to the teenager. He wiped his face, attempting to wake himself up faster. He was afraid of what they might be doing.

"Have you ever even been with a guy before?"

That voice. Sonny's mouth dropped open, not even registering what the words had been. It was Joel! He would recognize that voice anywhere. It seemed like a parade began inside his body. Joel would save him! But... What was Joel doing in that stall with another man. Sonny was about to tell Joel where he was when the other person spoke.

"Yes!" He snapped, sounding indignant. Sonny watched as his shoes stamped the floor irritably. "I have a boyfriend. Thank you very much, jerk," The man said stiffly.

"Who? Your other little boyfriend from Deaf Spells?" Joel taunted. Sonny could see Joel's dingy Chuck Taylors lean against the stall wall parting the two stalls almost casually.

"Death Spells, Stupid! Not Deaf! And no. My boyfriend is not Dewees," The other man mumbled, but he sounded much less stiff. What in the world were they doing? Who was Dewees? Why was Joel in there? Sonny desperately wanted to call out, but he was too scared of what might happen. So, he stayed very silent, and he pulled his body closer to himself, listening carefully. "H-His name is G-Gerard, an-and I l-love him and," The man's sentence was cut short. There was the soft noise. Sonny wasn't quite sure what the noise was, but he could only describe it as "mwah."

"If you love this 'Gerard' so much, why are you here with me in this fucking bathroom stall?" Joel's disembodied voice requested in a very low tone. Sonny was growing more and more terrified. What was Joel doing?

"I-I love Gerard," The voice responded even more weakly. With every stuttering word, the voice seemed to break down more and more.

"I bet you do," Joel remarked softly followed by more 'mwah' noises. The other voice seemed to be breathing much louder as Joel's feet leaned against the stall wall.

The other voice whimpered, and he began to gasp softly. That made Sonny shiver for some reason. "J-Jesus, Joel. You know, I wouldn't do this if I was sober," He mumbled, his voice cracking almost like a teenager's.

"Well, you're not, and I'm not, and neither is anybody else here," Joel responded in a very arrogant tone. It became clear to Sonny then the sheer wastedness of the two men. He was surprised he hadn't caught it before. Sonny watched as Joel feet pulled the man closer to. He had never been so confused in his life. What were they doing in there? Sonny wondered when Joel had gotten drunk. How long had he been passed out? There was a long pause before Joel spoke again, sounding much more irritated. "Good God," He said, his voice sharp, "Can we just get on with this before I get bored and lose my excitement?"

"You're a prick. Do you know that?" The voice slipped down to his knees very casually before Joel. There was the sound of a zipper, and Sonny's heart began to race. He was worried. What could be going on in there. He watched what he could see of Joel's legs. They shook for a moment and then, his pants began to sag and crease further down my his ankles. Then, they dropped altogether to his feet, the belt open on the floor.

Sonny was scared. He was confused and scared. Why were Joel's pants on the floor? There was a muffled sort of throaty noise coming from the stall beside him. That made the teenager's heart race even more. That had to have come from Joel. He wasn't certain why, though. In a bought of curiousity, Sonny ducked his head lower so he could see beneath the stall divider, an act that he would certainly regret.

The teenager barely caught a glimpse of what was going on in the other stall before slipped off the toilet, scrambling farther into the corner. The two in the adjoining stall didn't even notice the second long intrusion they had recieved. There wasn't even a pause in the throaty, loud noises. Sonny was disgusted and confused. 

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