Sweet Somethings'

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Sweet Somethings'

To all those supporting what I wrote, gracias. I am beyond overwhelmed by the response Frail has received and every comment makes my heart melt. For all those who believe this little one shot was relatable, I wish all the world's happiness to you and I pray, from the bottom of my heart, that you gain enough power, and more to overcome every obstacle in life. To all you dear readers I just want to say that you just made writing as an experience more worthwhile.

And so for you, I have a proposal-

Do you want me to extend Frail into a novel?

If your response is positive then comment below and let me know. I have a plot in my mind and I will more than be willing to write it down.

Do you have any questions regarding Frail?

If you do, whether it is about the character or anything else, just comment down below and I will answer them in a Q & A shortly.

Once again, thank you so much for all the heartwarming support.


I will be writing a short novella to add on to the one shot, but, it will be a standalone. Which means to say that the one shot will not be related to the novella that is to come. It will feature Madeline, of course, but it will have no relation to it whatsoever. 

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