Chapter 11 - Nightmare

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Cherrie left the hospital escorted by her parents who had insisted that she stay with them until they felt that she was capable of being on her own again.  Although Cherrie had protested, she knew that her argument was in vain as her mother had already made up her mind and that was that. 

Accepting the inevitable, Cherrie soon found herself settled comfortably back in her own bedroom where she had slept for twenty years of her life before she’d moved out and shared a house with friends while studying to be a Personal Assistant / Secretary at college.

Now at thirty, she lived in a flat on the school premises, where she worked as the Headmaster’s Secretary. The stress of her daily routine seemed a life time ago as she lay back on her bed and snuggled into her comfy pillows.  She felt herself drifting off to sleep when she heard her mother’s voice whispering softly, “Cherrie, are you okay dear?”

“Mmm, yes thanks . I would like to just close my eyes and rest for a while.”

“Of course, dear. Have a good sleep and I’ll wake you for dinner at eight.”

Cherrie glanced briefly at her bedside clock and noticed that it said 3pm. She smiled at her mother and closed her eyes, quickly drifting back to sleep.

Startled by a sudden movement, her eyes flew open as she spun around to face whatever was lurking behind her.  Cherrie’s scream caught in her throat. Unable to move, she stared terrified, at the vision that met her eyes.  A woman lay face up in a pool of blood. Her eyes were closed and Cherrie could not help thinking that she was dead. She had never seen so much blood before, or for that matter a dead body. Unable to move or call out, Cherrie remained rooted to the spot, staring speechless at the horrific sight just a few feet from where she stood.

She knew she had to do something, but what should she do? She felt numb as though her body wasn’t hers.  Her mind was racing through a maze of thoughts that made no sense at all, when the woman suddenly turned to face her and opened her eyes.  Cherrie gulped, as she saw not eyes, but sockets filled with blood. The woman’s lips moved, but no sound could be heard as blood trickled out the corner of her mouth.

Cherrie desperately tried to move and back away from this nightmare vision. As she struggled to lift her feet and move backwards, she heard a voice, barely a whisper.  The words seemed to hang in the air. ‘Your heart is mine. Help him.’

The woman’s bleeding eyes closed as more blood poured from her mouth.  Her chest suddenly burst open and fountains of blood gushed upwards, spraying clear across to where Cherrie stood.

Terrified, horrified by this unexpected sight, Cherrie tried desperately to escape this nightmare and flung herself backwards.

She landed with a thump on her bedroom floor.  Her eyes instantly flew open and she started crying uncontrollably. 

When her parents heard the thump, they came running into her room and found her lying on the floor with her hands covering her face and crying like a child whose dog had just died.

Her mother flew to her side and cradled her in her arms.

“Cherrie, Cherrie darling. Whatever is the matter?”

“What happened, Cherrie? Did you fall out of bed? Are you hurt?” Her father bombarded her with questions.

While clinging to her mother she looked from one parent to another. Unable to speak, she buried her face in her mother’s comforting shoulder.

Slowly, she calmed down, and as her sobs subsided her father lifted her into his arms and settled her back in bed while her mother plumped up her pillows.

“I’ll go make some tea while you try and tell your mother what brought you to tears,” her father said, squeezing her hand gently.

Her mother handed her a box of tissues and sat silently on the bed waiting for Cherrie to speak.

“It …. was …. the ….. worst nightmare …… I have ever …. had in my ….. entire life,” she said, amidst sobs.

Her mother stroked her hand gently.

“Darling, you’re safe now, here with us. You don’t have to worry about anything and we’d like you to stay for as long as possible.”

Cherrie smiled her thanks, and gave her mum a hug.

“Do you feel up to telling me about your nightmare? Or we can talk about it tomorrow when you’re feeling better.”

Her father arrived with the tea and Cherrie accepted it gratefully, allowing the warm liquid to soothe her frayed nerves.

When she finished her tea, Cherrie slowly began to repeat the terrifying nightmare to her parents who sat on either side of her bed holding her hands.  They listened quietly until she was finished.  Her father looked concerned at the graphic description Cherrie gave of her dream, and her mother’s eyes widened when Cherrie told her of the whispered words she’d heard.

Her parents were thankful it was just a dream and re-assured her that it was nothing to worry about and was probably due to the after effects of her operation and anaesthetic.

She felt totally exhausted, but was afraid to close her eyes and sleep. Refusing dinner, she gratefully accepted her mother’s offer to sit with her till she was asleep.   

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