Chapter 10

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Marcos POV
Me and Star are running down the hallways of Ludo's castle with the whole school just beside us. Once we get closer to the main room, we tip-toe towards the entrance to see whats going on. Ludo is sitting in his chair, smothering Star's wand as if he was in love with it.
"So whats the plan Marco?" Star asks.
"Ok, I'll create a distraction on one side of the room and when Ludo freaks out and calls his guards to get me... You run in from the other side, sneak up behind him, and snatch the wand!"
"Got it, let's go"
I run in front of the monsters and yell...
"Hey monsters! Come get me!"
"What?! How did you get in?! You always keep popping up! Monsters get him! Ludo says.
The monsters come charging towards me and as usual I karate chop their heads off, but not literally.
"Your not getting away that easy,
Backup monsters! Come and get him..." Ludo says evilly.
"Guys come on in!" I yell.
The room looks like a battlefield.
All the kids running towards the monster and fighting, it was so crazy, I almost forgot about Star.
"Star grab the wand!"
Star jumps up on Ludo and grabs her wand.
"Bombtastic Explosion!" She yells.
"Oh no, duck and cover everyone!"

When all the smoke clears, all I see is people lying everywhere. They are not dead because their breathing. I spot Star standing next to Ludo holding her wand just frozen.
"That was awesome..." Star says.
We both laugh and she runs into my arms.
"Thank you Marco for helping me get me wand back, your the best person I have ever met."
Star looks into my eyes and all of a sudden just kisses me. It felt magical. "Your very welcome" I say, and then I kiss her back and sparks fly everywhere... I feel like this is a beginning to a whole new thing...

A couple years later

If your wondering to what had happened after that, me and star and now dating and enjoying every minute of it. It's been about 6 years  and i whenever I see her I just picture the day we first kissed and met. I plan to keep dating her until one day when I will ask her a little question... I hope she says yes......

I finally finished the book guys! I really hoped you guys enjoyed it and sorry it took such a long time. I want to thank every one who added this story to their ready list and who voted for my chapters, it really made my day. Bye!😃

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