Alfheim Tail Episode 5-The strongest team up

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Alfheim Tail Guild..

Hushaw;Oi Yuna did you already rent an apartment???


Iana:How much?

Yuna:70,000 jewels a month...It's expensive though.

Iana;Hahahahaha!!!Just do jobs with expensive rewards.

While Hushaw and Francis are fighting like they always do.

Venz:Hey guys I think Chesca is here!!

Hushaw and Francis:Haaaaah!!!!!

And then they stop fighting because Chesca do not want them to fight, because if Chesca saw them fight they are in big trouble.Hahahaha!!!

Chesca:Everyone!Where is master???

Venz:He is in the city of Binasco for the meeting of the guild masters.

Chesca:So who's in charge??


Chesca:Iana tell team furious(The fastest team of AT compose of Rusald(The fastest ecriture writer of AT),Gem(The fastest runner of AT) and Jay(The fastest plant grower of AT)),tell team furious to send master a letter that the city of Binasco have to be evacuated.


Chesca:Because a dark guild have a dark magic item that the brown magician Jeriah created and their going to use it to the city of Binasco.

Iana:Hmmm...ok I'll tell them..

Chesca:And one more thing.


Chesca:I need a team.

Guild members:Huh!!!!???

Max:It's first time for Chesca to ask for a team.


Max:She only do S-Class jobs alone.


Chesca:Hushaw and Francis I want you two in my team.

Hushaw:I don't like teaming up with Francis but....I'm all fired up!!

Francis:I don't like you too...But let's do this!!!


Guild Members:Ehhhhh!!!

Iana:To tell you frankly Yuna,this is the strongest team of alfheim tail!!!



To be continiued on Episode 6-The evil flute

~New info:

Ecriture magic-magic that let you write everywhere and make it real.

Run magic-magic that improves your speed

Seedling magic-magic that let you plant plants everywhere in a fast way.~

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