Fly Away

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Then, he finally spoke, "This might be wrong but I've grown feelings for you."

I turned around to see who it was, it was Alfie. His hands are on my waist and his eyes locked on mine.

"But what about Zoe?" I asked

He let go of my body and walked away from me to the fence. "I know. I feel like I'm leading her on if I keep on doing this."

I stood next to him and said, "Do you still love her?"

"There are ways to find out if I do have feelings for her." He said as he moves closer to me. His lips crashed onto mines and this feels so wrong, Zoe's one of my best friends and I'm kissing her boyfriend. I wanted to pull away but I feel like I turned to stone. I pushed Alfie away from me, making our "kiss" break.

"What was that for?" I tried to say calmly

"Did you feel anything for me?" he asked

"I'm sorry but no. You're a great guy Alfie but I like someone else and I can't betray Zoe. You shouldn't too." I tried to study his emotions but he just has a blank expression. He looked down and mumbled, "I'm sorry." He went back to in and I just stayed out here. I grabbed couple blankets from the laundry room and went back outside.

*Caspar's POV*

I woke up and found Alfie on the ground; he probably had a nightmare or something. I checked twitter and saw my viewers tweet me that it's Friday I went on my notes, copy pasted my Friday tweet. FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY!!!! I went downstairs to get some food and to feed Summer. As soon as I stepped out, I saw Kim out here, curled up in a ball, and covered with blankets. I gently shook her body for her to wake up. She tossed and turned a little, then did a little stretch, and finally opened her eyes.

"Morning!" she cheerfully greeted with her morning voice. I noticed that her nose is red, she has tear stains on her cheeks, have she been crying the whole night?

"Morning little munchkin!" I'm really hyper on Friday mornings. "Why did you sleep out here last night?" I asked

She had a confused look on her face and looked around to recall what she did.

"Oh that! Haha I woke up like at 2 or 3 in the morning. So I came downstairs to grab a snack and it was quite relaxing out here" she answered while getting up.

In the middle of our breakfast, Alfie came downstairs.

"Morning you guys!' he said as he goes straight at the fridge.

"Morning!" I replied back. Kim usually greets him back but she kept her head down, trying to avoid Alfie's gaze. Somethings going on but I think they can handle it .

*Alfie's POV*

What I did last night was a big mistake. I felt like shit. Zoe trusted me to be loyal to her but I just had to do that. Anyways, I woke up with a big pain on my back and realized that I have fallen asleep on the floor. I just put a shirt on and went downstairs. I was hoping that Kim was still asleep but she's with Caspar at the moment, eating breakfast.

"Morning you guys!" I greeted then went to the fridge as Caspar greeted me back, "Morning!" Kim kept her head down and continued eating. I sat down next to Caspar who is sitting across Kim. She quickly finished up and placed her bowl in the sink. She didn't even say bye to Caspar and just left to Theo's room.

"What's going on?" Caspar asked

I shrugged and said, "I don't know, probably she's either homesick or on her monthly gift."

He also shrugged and continued what he was doing. As soon as we finished, I washed the dishes and went back to the guest room to finish up packing. After that, I went to take shower and just to clear my mind there.

*Normal POV*

We are now going to our flight back to our own places. Caspar's mom can't drive us because. Well Caspar doesn't want her too because they're going to have a crying moment in the airport and might missed the flight. I have to go back to LA and they have to go back to London.

"FLIGHT LAX453 to Los Angeles is now boarding, FLIGHT LAX453 is now boarding!"

I stood up and Caspar stood up too. I went up to him and gave him a hug, "I'm going to miss you Kim! Be careful okay?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead.

I went up to Alfie and he was just sting with his head down. "Yo, twat! Aren't you going to say goodbye?" I said to him. He looked up and smiled. He gave me a long hug, and said, "I'm sorry about what happened. Please do not mention it to anyone!"

I pretended to zip my lips and said, "Don't worry my lips are sealed. But I'm still kind of mad about it."

"It's okay! As long as we're still going to communicate?" he asked

I nodded and pulled both of them in a hug and gave them both a kiss on the cheek. I walked away from them smiling but my heart is slowly breaking from being away from them.

I got to my seat and hoped that no one would sit next to me. I'm not lucky today. A guy with dark brown hair sat next to me.

"Hey Kim!" then I realized I'm sitting next to Jack.

"Oh my gosh! Jack! Why were you in South Africa?" I asked

He has a cheeky little smile on his face. "Oh I was shooting a video for Comic Relief!"

"Ohhhhh!!! Where's Finn?" I asked

"He freaking left before me!" he pretended to cry and buried his face on my shoulder, which was so cute. I thought Jack was really adorable and cute, well he is. I didn't really have any chance to talk or hang out with him when they were in LA, because I'm usually with the girls or Caspar.

He talked about what he saw and I can tell that he was heart broken when he saw others living in a hard condition. He showed me pictures that he took on his camera. He got tired after few hours of us talking to each other and getting to know each other more. I learned many things about Jack. His little phobias, his favorite food, his little body language, and weird things about him like his dream about his getting eaten by a fish as a form of sushi. My flight won't even suck at all and the bonus is that Jack's good looking and funny.

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