Disneyland!! (Part 2)

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Well, so far, Caspar and I went on most rides and had a great laugh. Now, we are just eating dinner, letting time pass, and waiting for the fireworks. Alfie, Marcus, Jack, Finn, Tyler, Joey, Joe, Zoe, Jim, Tanya, and Louise are at the table near us because they said that there are “no tables left” for us, so we have our separate table. Oh well, they are missing out the fun.

“Is everyone done eating?” Jim asked. Most of us nodded and said “Yes”

Jim and Tanya stood up, “We should start walking so we won’t miss the fireworks.” People started nodding and got up from their seats as a form of agreement.

“Let’s go?” Caspar asked with his hand out for me

I smiled and he helped me up. We were walking behind the group, talking about pointless things.

“I’m so excited for you to see South Africa!” he said. Even in the dark, you can see his beautiful eyes sparkle. Then, he went on and on about how beautiful South Africa.

“I’m glad that you asked me to go with you!” I smiled

I glanced at the group and most of them were whispering. Zoe, Louise, and Tanya, kept on looking back at us, whispering, and giggling. Then, they all stopped for a perfect spot where you can see the parade and perfect view of the castle when the firework comes on later. Marcus stepped out of the group and asked, “What’s going on with the two of you?”

I looked at Caspar with a confused expression on my face and he was confused too.

“What?” I asked

The others seems to be shocked, then Alfie was like “You guys were holding hands since we left the restaurant”

Caspar and I looked down to our hands and we simultaneously let each other’s hands go. Caspar put his other hand behind his head, looked away, and said, “Nothing’s going on between us. We are just friends”

To be honest, that kind of hurt as he said it looking straight at Alfie’s eyes and he was pretty convince on what Caspar just said. I pretty much looked on the ground the whole time. I walked up to Tyler because I know that he is freaking hilarious and his jokes and comments can cheer me up.

“Oi!” he greeted

“What’s up Ty Ty?” I asked

“Nothin’ much baby girl! What about you?” he asked

“Peach-“the music started for the parade. Tyler and mine’s attention shifted to the parade floats. I can’t see anything because people pushed their way at the front and I’m short. I felt the tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Alfie, “Want a lift?” he asked.

“If it’s okay for you,” I answered. He bent down low enough for me to get on his shoulder; he slowly stood up while holding my hand so I will not fall.

“Thanks Alfie!” I said and he just smiled and nodded.

Alfie’s POV

“Nothing’s going on between us. We are just friends” Caspar looked at me dead in the eye. I looked at Kim; she seems to have a blank expression. She went at Tyler, and then the parade started. It is cute how she was struggling to watch the parade, now she’s on my shoulders, feeling happy. I’ve just known her for a week but I like her. I wanted to hang out with her more often but she’s always with Caspar. I can feel that she likes Caspar, that’s the bad thing. Hopefully, I can hang out with her tomorrow before she leaves with Caspar. I looked up to her and she’s like a little girl. Her eyes sparkled as she watched her favorite Disney characters pass by. As soon as it finished, I started walking to the nearest bench. She hopped off my shoulders.

“Thanks Alfie!” she kissed my cheek and I felt my cheeks burn and probably turn to a shade of pink or red.

I smiled, “Anything for you!”

She yawned and rubbed her eyes, “Are you sleepy or tired?” I asked. Wow, that was a stupid question.

She chuckled, “Yeah, a little!”

“I’ll drive so you can rest?” I offered. I’m surprised that she just gave me her keys and told me where her car was parked. We both got in the car and she set the GPS home. It felt weird driving in the wrong side of the road. I hope that nothing bad going to happen. In the middle of the ride, she turned the music on, then slowly fell asleep. I’ve been to her apartment a couple of times so I know where to go. I carried her bridal style up to her room. It was a struggle opening the door because I don’t want her to fall. But as soon as I got it open, I lay her down on the couch first. I took her shoes off, then looked for baby wipes to wipe her makeup off. There wasn’t a lot so it was pretty easy. I carried her again and to her room this time. I lay her down on her bed and pulled the covers up to cover her. I looked at the time and it was late. I kissed her forehead and she moved her hands out of the blanket. I smiled at the sight of her and when I was about to leave, I felt her soft hands hold my hand.

“Please stay with me,” she whispered. I turned to her and her eyes were slightly open.

“Are you sure? I won’t leave till tomorrow and I’ll stay at the living room.”

She tugged my arm slightly while sitting up, “Please”

I kicked my shoes off and sat next to her on her bed. She moved a little to give me space.

“Thank you for tonight, Alfie” she said with a tired voice.

I lay down a little bit and started caressing her hair, “Like I said earlier, I’d do anything for you. Now, get some rest, you’re going to have a big adventure to South Africa tomorrow!”

She nodded and cuddled closer to me. She has a little smile on her face as she sleeps. I wish this night would never end. Next to her is where I need to be. 

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