Jacksepticeye ~The Queen [Pt 1]

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(A/N): Sorry sorry sorry. I definitely haven't been posting enough recently, and honestly I don't have a good excuse. I have been completely addicted to kpop (don't hate me) and anime recently (don't hate me again). *hands out kawaii potatoes* Please forgive me >.< 

The sun felt warm on your skin as you nodded you head gently to the music being played from Dan's speaker. You, Dan, Phil, Mark, and Felix were lounging in the sunny clearing behind your school. 

At school all the guys loved you and all the girls wished they had your life. This is because you were friends with the 5 most popular, and most good looking, guys at school. Yet you weren't popular. Your exact number of 5 friends at school were Felix Kjellberg, Mark Fischbach, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, and Seán "Jack" McLoughlin. Since you were the only girl in the group of five guys, the rumours and teasings about you were relentless. Not to mention that all of the boys were very popular and good looking, as well as being uprising YouTube sensations. So, not only were you teased at school for being surrounded by them all the time, the boys' fans could be frustrating at times too.

You snapped back to reality as Mark groaned and wiggled his head in your lap, fast asleep. You smiled and ran a hand through his fluffy red hair, living it off of his face. You lifted your head to look around at the boys scattered around you, and leaned back on the tree behind you. 

Directly in front of you Felix lay on the ground playing some sort of game on his phone, furiously tilting it back and forth. Dan and Phil sat just to your left, near Mark's feet, chatting amongst themselves and drawing cat whiskers on each other's faces.

"Hey, where's Jack?" You asked the boys, looking at each of them in turn.

Dan looked at Phil without saying anything, then turned to you, "Dunno, neither does Phil." 

Phil simply nodded at you, as if to say that Dan was correct. Felix flicked off his phone and chucked it in your direction, you caught it easily.

"What's this for?" You tiled your head looking at Felix curiously.

"I can't beat that damn game and if I give it another go, I'll go on a murder spree! Also, you can give Jack a call from there, I'm too lazy to do it. Plus Mark's asleep and Dan and Phil are too busy flirting." Felix said with a cheeky grin.

Dan gave him a glare as Phil's face lit up bright red, "How many times do I have to tell you? We're not flirting. Tragically, we're both heterosexual."

You giggled as Dan and Felix began arguing. "Hey Pewds! What's your password?" You shouted across the clearing at the laughing blond.


You shook your head and smiled, "How did I know?"

Before you hit call on Felix's phone you gave Mark a nudge, "Hey Markimoo, I need you to get up. I have to call Jack and my legs are going numb."

Mark just groaned and wiggled further into your lap, making you sigh and hit call. 

After ringing a few times Jack answered, "Hey Jackaboy, it's (Y/N)!"

You could already tell that Jack was grinning from ear to ear, like he always was, "Hey (Y/N)! Where are you guys? I've been looking for you every where and lunch is almost over!"

"We're at the back of the school, and you'd better come quickly 'cause Dan and Felix are fighting again, and Mark won't wake up and get off my lap."

You heard Jack laugh loudly into the phone, "Okay, I'm on my way now."

You hung up the phone and smiled up at Phil as he grabbed Mark's feet, trying to pull him off of you. Mark just grabbed you around the waist and held on tight. You looked up quickly as you heard Felix and Dan start shouting at each other again.

"Oh Daaan! Phil's with another guy, aren't you mad? Aren't you going to stop him?," Felix singsonged.

Dan gave Felix a playful push as they both burst out laughing. Phil quickly dropped Mark's feet as a deep red blush seeped into his face. The bushes rustled behind the laughing brits (A/N: I know Felix isn't British but he lives in Britain so...) and Jack burst though.

His neon green hair was a mess and his blue eyes sparkled with excitement. He turned and smiled at you, only for his smile to falter slightly as his eyes rested upon Mark. Jack waltzed over to you and picked Mark up bridal style. 

He began cooing with a devilish look in his eyes, "Markimoo, wake up sweetheart." His once bright eyes seemed to turn dark and almost terrifying. "Lay off my girl," he growled.

Mark only laughed in return, "Oi, Antisepticeye is in the house. Now put me down, and since when is she your girl?"

Jack's expression faltered when Mark said this, and he ended up dropping the red haired boy. You cocked your head curiously at him as all eyes turned to Jack. 

Suddenly Felix's loud voice echoed across the group, "She can't be your's 'cause she's mine!" 

A laugh escaped your lips as Felix wrapped his arms around your waist protectively pulling you away from the other boys. A smile spread across your face as the rest of the guys rushed to you, all shouting about how you were their's and no one else's. Jack simply stood staring at you, completely bewildered, as the other boys continued to fight each other off of you.

You couldn't help but stare as Jack smiled and closed his eyes as he scratched the back of his neck, sheepishly. 

Damn that boy was handsome.

(A/N): I am in the process of packing up my house since I am moving across the country soon, plus my spring break is about to end. So my writing schedule might spread out a bit more, I'll still try to write as much as possible though. Thanks for reading!! ❤️❤️ 

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