Jacksepticeye ~ The Queen [Pt 3]

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(A/N): This is the last part of The Queen that I will be posting in this book. I have made another book for this series so it doesn't clog up this book. Thanks for understanding and reading!!
The figure's eyes glinted slightly as it stepped towards the cowering girls. The second girl gave you a quick glare as she and the first girl ran away in terror.
Mark stepped forward and gave you a sad look, "(Y/N) why didn't you tell me this was happening? Are you okay?"
You said nothing as Mark offered his hand to you, which you gladly took. He pulled you to your feet and into a hug, his strong arms wrapping around your coffee stained body.
"Have you told any of the other boys about this?" Mark asked as he rested his chin on your head.
You shook your head and gently pushed him away, "Sorry, I just don't want to get you covered in coffee too."
Mark laughed slightly and pulled off his sweater, handing it out to you, "It's okay, I barely even noticed, but take this. I don't want you getting cold."
You took the sweater, thanking him, and pulled it over your head. The sweater was warm and smelled strongly of Mark's cologne.
"Come on, let's go home. We'll talk to the others once we're back. Where's the car?" Mark asked gently.
You handed him the keys and pointed in the direction of the car.
[Time Skip]
The car pulled up in front of the house and Mark pulled out the key, neither of you moving.
Mark sighed and looked at you, "You going to be alright?"
You shrugged and stepped out of the car, pulling the sleeves of Mark's sweater into your fists.
"Guy's come help, we have stuff to bring in!" Mark yelled from the front door.
After a few seconds with no responses, Mark turned to you, "I guess they only come when you call."
You shuffled up to the front door and stood beside Mark, "Boys, come and help please. We have food to unpack."
You voice was barely above a whisper, yet somehow all of the boys managed to hear you, as one-by-one they came out of their rooms.
Felix smiled slightly at you, before grabbing Mark and walking to the car. Phil stopped to reach out to you but Dan grabbed his hand and pulled him away, whispering something into his ear. Lastly Jack walked up and stood in front of you.
You felt his eyes flutter over you, taking in the sad mess that you were. His arms quickly wrapped around you, pulling you close to him.
"What happened to you muffin?" Jack mumbled, sadness tainting his usually happy voice.
You opened your mouth to speak, you were ready to tell him, to let him help and protect you, but the only thing to escape your lips were sobs. You pressed your face into his chest, as his hand ran slowly up and down your back, your tears now flowing freely.
[Time Skip]
A few minutes later Jack had calmed you down and the rest of the boys had emptied out the car.
"I think we need to have a talk about a few things, don't we?" Felix asked gently.
You nodded your head and took Jack's hand, pulling him into the house behind you.
In seconds everyone was scattered around the living room, looking at you expectantly. Felix, Dan, and Phil sat on the floor whilst Mark and Jack sat on either side of you on the sofa.
Jack ran his thumb over your knuckles as Mark cleared his throat. Mark proceeded to tell the boys what he had seen and heard earlier at the school.
[Yet another Time Skip]
When he had finished all the boys were staring at you sadly, Phil even had tears in his eyes.
Felix reached his hand out and placed it in your knee, "Why didn't you tell us?"
"I didn't want you guys to worry about me, or feel as though you had to protect me. Your schedules are already so busy." You mumbled, staring down at your feet.
Felix was about to protest when Phil interrupted, "Has this kind of thing happened before?"
You looked up to see Dan's hand in Phil's and grimly shook your head, "It happens a lot actually. Outside of school too."
You felt Felix's hand tighten around your knee, and Jack shuffled closer to you.
Jack took your chin between your forefinger and thumb, forcing you to look at him, "(Y/N), what do you mean?"
"Your fans and followers online," You mumbled, tearing your gaze away from Jack's to look at each of the boys in turn.
"(Y/N) I'm so sorry. We're so sorry." Dan said, the rest of the boys nodding in agreement.
You wanted to say it was alright but the words and comments targeted at you really hurt.
Felix opened his arms at you and you crawled off the sofa to sit on his lap, cuddling close. You heard Jack mumble something as you let go of his hand, but you were too tired to listen.
You lay your head on Felix's shoulder and felt him wrap his arms around you. Your eyes fluttered shut under the weight of sleep as the boys began to discuss their next plan of action.

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