Chapter 21- Family Fight? What's New?

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You know that dreadful feeling in the pit of your stomach when you really aren't looking forward to something and makes it feel like you want to puke.

Yeah that's about how Loki and I felt, though I felt bad for Loki since he was the one who had to wear cuffs (which we both know he can break out of) and this stupid mask that 'restricted his magic' yeah that's a giant snort.

Although he did sort of remind me of Bane from DC Comics. Or maybe Darth Vader if he tried to talk, you know the creepy whisper vibe. Only Loki needed a giant black Darth vader mask, black cape, and then we could go as Darth Vader and I could go ask Luke Skywalker and have a real lightsaber fight.

Gotta love magic. Wait, where was I?

Right the whole sinking titanic in stomach...that was a really weird, romantic, disappointing movie...

Back on track we were waiting for Heimdall to open the Bifrost as I shifted from my heel to toe itching to do something but from the way that SHIELD agents were all around along with the Avengers, that will most likely not happen.

I leaned over to Loki and whispered, "Part of me feels like they're trying to rip of Men and Black and if the Avengers were actually dressed up then Comicon."

Loki glared at me but I could see the amusement in his eyes as he rolled them at me. I just smirked and acted innocent when heads looked at me funny wondering what I whispered to my brother.

Soon enough though the world of trees and pavement was transported to large rainbow colors all around to gold architect when that feeling in my stomach twisted as I saw that Odin and Frigga were both there.

Glaring at Thor and started to take off Loki's mouth piece (Loki and I both agreed that he'd wear it for the Avengers benefit).

Loki licked his lips and was staring at the ground as mother started to walk toward us. Neither of us made eye contact with her not knowing what to expect.

We really didn't expect her to break down and start to hug us and thank the lords (who does a god pray to in a time of need anyway?).

Loki and I held her up as we all sunk into each other's embrace and I completely ignored Thor and Odin who I'm sure are feeling and looking extremely awkward.

Mother stepped back but was still near as she held Loki's face as if when she let go he would be gone again and I heard her whisper, "I'm so happy my baby boys are okay." she said and I smiled at her caringly and whipped a tear that was still going down her cheek.

"We're home mom." I said and her smile was that of a woman that finally seemed to be able to relax and who had been crying recently of happiness as she drew us back into a hug.

After a few seconds there was a cough and I held mom back a little and looked to Odin and I looked away my good mood vanishing instantly and the sinking feeling was back but I also had this confidence.

Mom wasn't mad and that's all that really matter to Loki and I. We had to let go of mom and followed Odin back in silence toward the throne room for more privacy.

Looking back once more toward the Bifrost I waved to Heimdall who smiled in return even though he couldn't technically see my wave.

Following the Alfather was in it's own way a nightmare as the whispers started around and Thor's friends were off to the side glaring.

Having enough I held my head up high but moved silent closer to Loki and when he looked at me he seemed to feel the confidence that I had and perked a little more too.

We kept our eyes straight and tuned out the common people who always whispered about us and pretended we didn't see the glares.

It also seemed that Thor either seemed oblivious or just don't care about the fact that people were glaring and whispering mean comments.

It was hard to tell which one of the two it options it was really. Once we were finally in our area without anyone including the guards Odin stood stiffly in front of us and his cold eyes stared at us.

"You have committed crimes against Asgard." Odin said his voice portraying no emotion even though this was his son and I glared at him.

"What crime would that be." I hissed at him standing in front of Loki even though I probably didn't need to.

My title of loyalty was coming out and Loki seemed to sense this and back off from telling me as I glared at Odin.

Odin seemed taken aback from the back talk but his voice seemed to harden, "You have lead our enemies though Asgard and willingly let them into Asgard in the first place while the king was away."

"If you remember." I spat, "Thor was banished stripping away his princehood rightfully making Loki, your son, the next king especially when you went into Odinsleep."

Odin seemed to be getting mad because this was the first true time I stood up to the Alfather and Thor looked on the side looking like he wanted to interrupt but mother was holding him back.

"I will not be spoken to by this by my own son." Odin spat as he glared at me.

"I am not your son." I said dangerously and stared at him unwavering , "You may have adopted me but you are not my father. You were never by my side when I needed you, when kids picked on Loki and I, when I had nightmares of the future. You are not my father and I am not your son. I will speak to you anyway I want because I am not afraid of you anymore. You are not the man that when I tried to speak over you would threaten to cast me back to Midgard," I said dangerously ignoring Thor's surprised look and stared at his father.

Odin was glaring at me and held up his staff which is when Frigga intervened, "We will discuss this in future time when we have all cooled down." She said leaving no room for argument.

I turned my back to Odin and swiftly grabbed Loki as we started to walk down the hall toward our old rooms as Loki opened the locks as if they were never actually locked and tossed them aside.

"I hate family reunions." Loki said flopping onto the bed like we use to do when we were little as I flopped into the seat near the desk.

"Family Reunions in our book is just another day of fighting. What exactly is new?" I asked flipping through one of Loki's old books then tossing it on the desk as Loki stared at the ceiling bored.

Just as Loki was about to respond there was a knock on the door.

(Book 1) Perseus Jackson-Odinson: Brother of Thor and Loki *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now