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There was a serene feeling which had enveloped the underground space. The sound of steady paced breathing was all that could be heard. Every so often there was the quiet flick of paper being turned.

Erik was awake, unlike Fleurette, who seemed to have no problems sleeping for long periods of time, he couldn't stay laying looking up at the ceiling for much longer. Though yes, there was a part of him which didn't wish to leave her side. So he got up, found some clean clothes found a book and then returned. She was curled up still fast asleep and he sat leaning against the headboard reading casually. Every so often he'd look down when she let out a quiet murmur and a look of discontent flicked onto her face. It seemed she still had dream troubles, but not so much that they'd wake her up and put her off sleep.

An hour or so trickled by like this, by the time Erik had finished reading the third chapter of the day, there was more quiet murmuring from his side. Looking down he raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?" He asked simply. Fleurette for some odd reason had suddenly pulled the cover up and over her head. For all pretence and purposes it looked like she was hiding.

"Nothing," came the muffled response.

Against his better judgement, Erik put down his book and gently pried the cover away from her. A little bleary eyed and half asleep looking, Fleurette squinted up at him. Rubbing her eyes slowly she slowly sat up while pulling the cover around her chest. She gave a small shudder, she could have sworn it was getting colder down here. Looking around with the intention of trying to wake up, she let out a quiet sigh and turned to look at him. "Morning." She said eventually while putting her hand over her mouth to hide a small yawn.

"I would say good morning, but I'm not sure if it is considering you still seem to be more asleep than awake." Erik commented while lifting his book back up. Turning the page quickly he settled back against the headboard.

"How long have you been awake?" Fleurette asked while pushing her bed ruffled hair over her shoulder.

Pausing in mid-sentence, Erik looked thoughtfully up at the dark ceiling. "A few hours," he looked to her, "Perhaps a little more."

"You've just been reading all that time?" She asked curiously while pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Leaning her chin against her knees, she looked up at him with a small smile.

Narrowing his eyes, he marked the page and put it on the bedside table. "How come I feel like you're trying to find something out here?"

Fleurette rolled her eyes. "You're too suspicious minded." She commented while finally stretching her legs out and looking around again. Keeping the cover close around her, she leaned forwards and pulled a blanket off from the bottom of the bed. Exchanging one for the other she wrapped the blanket around herself as she stood from the bed. Standing on tiptoes she stretched her legs again and walked towards the trunk. Crouching down, she flung the lid open and commenced trying to find some clean clothes. "Have you eaten?" Fleurette asked while peeking over the footboard of the bed.

"No." Erik shook his head and watched as she stood up slowly, with one hand she kept the blanket around herself, and with the other she flicked the item of clothing in her hands. She pulled a face at the few flecks of dust which flew off of it. Giving a shrug she shuffled off, despite the minor dust it seemed she still intended to wear it.

Looking down at his hands, he waited for her to reappear. A few moments passed and she came walking back out folding up the blanket. Throwing it back onto the bed, she straightened out her shirt, when she first got it out it looked like a dress of some sort, but in fact it was a simple white shirt and an emerald coloured skirt.

"Want to go get something to eat?" She asked while pushing her hair over her shoulders again. Looking around, she let out a happy noise and picked up her shoes. Erik gave a nod and stood, walking over to the desk, he pulled his jacket from the chair and pulled it on. Fleurette gave a smile and held her hand out to him. She knew he hadn't eaten even before he answered earlier on.

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