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It just so happened that Fleurette's form of catching up on sleep exceeded the normal amount of hours that a lone person usually slept for. It was near three in the afternoon that she awoke, sitting up in the bed, she looked around bleary eyed before yawning and falling backwards again. There was a quiet thud as she impacted against the pillows but apart from that there was silence.

Sitting at the desk, Erik had sat and watched this moment simply. Rolling his eyes slowly, he stood up and quietly walked over to the bed. It was clear that she hadn't heard his approach because when the bed shifted under his weight when he sat down it caused her to jump and open her eyes. "May I inquire into something?" He asked politely, Fleurette rolled onto her back and nodded slowly. "Are you getting up today?" She smiled slowly and sat up. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Why? Have you got plans? Or a plan, or have an idea in mind to do something?" Fleurette asked while leaning her arms against her knees and looking to him curiously.

Erik sighed and shifted on the bed so he wasn't on the edge. Turning to look at her, he nodded slowly. "Perhaps." This caused Fleurette to let out a happy surprised noise and look at him with even more curiosity. "Don't get your hopes up." He frowned lightly. "There's a show on tonight. Seeing as how you've always ever performed, would you like to watch it?"

Fleurette narrowed her eyes. "You'd risk watching one of these shows?"

"It may be true that I try and pay as little attention to them as possible." Erik rolled his hand thoughtfully before looking to her. "Other than when you're in one, obviously." Fleurette mused over this and shrugged slowly. "You do not have to take me up on my offer. It was just a thought." He said in a dull tone when all he was receiving from her was seemingly pure indifference.

Fleurette inclined her head and leaned it against her hand. "I'm taking you up on your offer, Erik." She said while rubbing her head slowly before pulling her fingers through the bed ruffled locks.

He blinked slowly, there was something about the tone she used which caused him to look at her sceptically. "But?"

"Nothing. I was not going to further on, I promise." Fleurette smiled and reached forwards to place her hands on his cheeks. "It'll be nice. If we do not get caught, can we perhaps go out for a walk afterwards? I don't know about you, but being shut away does get to me." She shook her head sadly and smiled at him. "I highly doubt you've had fresh air lately either."

This caused him to scoff and roll his eyes. Reaching up, he placed his hands over hers and pulled them away. "We can," he answered instead of answering the latter part of what she said. This just caused her to let out a quiet giggle. He looked at her firmly, "You better get up and ready then. Show starts at five."

"So, I have two hours to prepare? How long do you think it honestly takes me to get changed, Erik? Certainly not two hours. Your perception on how long it takes for a lady to get ready is slightly warped, I believe." She scolded lightly with a wag of her finger once she managed to wiggle her hand free of his. Erik narrowed his eyes. Fleurette smiled and pushed herself to kneel. "I meant no offence, dearest." She said while leaning her head against his shoulder and shutting her eyes again.

"You better not be planning on going back to sleep while leaning against me." Erik said lowly while leaning his head on top of hers.

Fleurette let out a gasp. "I would never think of doing such a thing!" She said while pulling back only to laugh. It wasn't like she hadn't fallen asleep against him a hundred times before. It never seemed to bother him, and it seemed like it was something he could personally joke with. Which caused her to be happy and laugh lightly over the matter.

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