we ride the bathtub of death

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Annabeth pov.

Two infant screames echoed around the room, My whole body flared in pain as I tried to get myself to stand

A lound bang echoed around us as the blobs tried to get in, Johnny held the door closed, his back pressed against it as his hand shot flames at the blobs trying to come through the window

One got through, and came at piper, the bundle in her arms whaled , piper staggered back and fell on her butt, she scrambled back and Johnny shot at the creature, Reyna struggled to keep the door closed from her place next to Johnny, Johnny growled in anger and melted the side of the door, making is mold into the wall, he let out a giant gust of fire out the Windows as three more appeared in the window, blob gew exploded from the side of the building as it hit the three

Piper got to her feet with the baby in her arms, I staggered with the other baby in my arms, Reyna ushered me and piper to the window as Johnny dragged the unconscious doctor into a safe closet

"What do we do?", piper said, her voice shook, I stared down at the parking lot, blobs were coming at us, I glanced over at Johnny, "j- Johnny what- what do we do?", He turned around

He looked taken back to be asked for help, but He could yell that the three girls looked lost, no plans, no where to go, Johnny turned to Reyna, "wait here, I have a plan", He exploded into flames and took off out the window, Reyna ushered us near the window and stood between us and the door

I heard a huge crash and looked down, a bathtub was below us, it went over us until I saw Johnny was holding it over his head, he gave me a reassuring smile

"Get in", he lowered it down, each of use climbed in, Reyna in the front, me into the middle and piper in the back,
"Lady's, please keep all hands inside the tub until we have reached the destination", we pitched forward as Johnny carried us up

I looked down at the small bundle in my arms, I rubbed my hand over the baby's head reassuringly, I looked over my shoulder at piper, "he's BEUTIFUL!", she screamed, I felt a laugh bubble up, I peeked down and smiled

"A girl!", I yelled and Piper screamed in joy, a flash to the right made me snap my head over to look, a blur shot over my head and Piper screamed, I ducked as another object flashed by me

I felt liquid sprinkle down over me, "guys! Don't freak out but-" johnny was cut off and the whole tub stopped, I held my baby closer to my chest

Oh gods, what is it?

Blackness suddenly surrounded us in a funnel, I looked up in horror as the sky disappears and we were trap in a dome of gew, "Annabeth!", I heard johnny scream Y me as his voice was muffled
The whole tub was no longer balanced

It fell through the few and we all topple out of it, I wrapped my sensations my baby and Piper did the same, Reyna was frantic holding onto my leg and reaching out for the free falling johnny

We were screaming

I saw the earth as we fell


And closer


Piper was suddenly grabbed, a man with robotic wings grabbed under her arms , pulling her up, red surrounded Reyna ,johnny and I

We all floated as the people surrounded us, we were soon lowered to saftey, "oh god, are you OK", a woman said, her scent heavy as she spoke, the man with Wings sat Piper down

"What's happening?", my voice wavered. The woman helped me up,Reyna rushed to Johnny's side

"Jonathan!", she crouched and put a hand on his neck, "Jonathan!johnny?, please, you worthless m-mortal, speak to me", she demanded, her hand moved to his jaw

Johnny suddenly arched his back, weezing and sputtering for breath, "I need a medic and transport", the man said

"Sir,Percy? Have you seen him?is he helping?", I staggered but her grabbed my arms, his eyebrows shot up as he looked at the bundle in my arms, then to the hospital gown I wore

I heard a roar and looked up, a jet was over us, my head spin, everything g was happening so fast

And all I heard before I fell into the man's arms, "he's the reason we're here"

( hello everyone

So. As you see, I am back, lots of drama and stuff. Got my phone taken away, broke up with my girl, got a new girl, now here I am

I am...

I scared, I'm tired, and I like write-in g so here I am

I'm sorry I disapear like that a lot
I love you guys )

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