not lossing you again

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"BILL!" You jolted up finally awaking from the night terror. Tears falling down your face while your mind tried to calm out the overwhelming anxiety and fear. Though the thought of Bill dying at your hands tossed about in your mind.
Sure, you had recently brought him back with the help of Ford and your new found 'capabilities'. But what if it went wrong? What if you couldn't control it? What if?-

"Doll? you OK?" A sleepy bill asked pulling you closer as he laid beside you in his human form. (This time permanent thanks to Ford)
"Liar. C'mere." Bill pulled you down forcing you to lay on him like a pillow. He sighed before stroking your hair. "Even at limited power I can still read your mind so don't lie..."
You clutched his pj shirt tightly. "I can't lose you again... And if I.."
"Shut it. Cus first, you won't kill me. I'm the almighty bill cipher! And second..."
He kisses your forehead.
"I'm not losing you again. Not ever.... Now get some sleep ."

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