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Bill, the twins and yourself had all been watching TV on the couch when it happened.
A rush of air and debris.
A sudden swirling vortex in the door way.
And for fighting some girl as they tumbled through.
"What the fuck?!" Bill got between you all and the on going fight as the girl stood up after knocking Ford down for a moment.
She smirked at you fixing her  dirty blonde short hair and blue jacket. You could of sworn you heard bill curse a name.
"Don't you dare touch them! " Ford yelled pulling out his lazer gun.
"Oh like that'll scare me!~" she snickered before going for bill coming face to face with him.
"Sup cipher! Is that your girl?" She winks at you. "Cus if not-" she stopped as everyone looked to see Ford had pulled the trigger at her.
"Ouch fordsy!" She held her now bleeding chest before falling on the carpet.
"Bill help me get this thing out side" Ford picked up her arms handcuffing them together.
"Why? S-she's dead right?" Dipper questions as you keep them behind you as bill and Ford take the girl outside tying her to the totem pole.
"Not even close this isn't even her true body." Bill chuckled.
"You...know her?" You ask a bit jealous before you hear a groan from the girl.
"Ah shit Ford that hurt!!!!" She looked down at the now closing wound.
"Shes...not human?"
The girl looks up at you from your comment.
"Well.... more of not completely... but that's another story. The one I wanna hear is yours my dear? Name?..." she winks before bill steps in front of you.
"She's mine end of story.." Bill's hand began to glow with flames.
"Wow... cipher, possessive are we?" She raises an eyebrow.
"SOMEONE TELL ME WHI THIS IS!" Mabel yells pointing to the girl obviously frustrated with out the knowledge.
"Meet Reyna. The one and only 'human being ' ,well partially, able to transverse the multidimentions at will along with being the biggest problem I have met besides this one." He gestures back to bill. "Been trying to track her down for information and for her to be 'contained'"

"And guess who taught the fucker about the portal. Ha! You suckers have to use portals that's just sad..."  she laughed.
"How about I through that friend of yours into the portal for help huh? What was her name? Something simon" Ford threatened.
He was obviously serious about getting this info but threatening her. Was this girl this dangerous?
The girl glared up at Ford before smiling like bill did before he met you. It was a look of someone who was capable of doing much more than they showed.
"Bill.... how do you know her?"  You asked before the girl disappeared from her confines in the totem pole.
"She is capable of... more that normal demons are so I asked for her help once...."
"It didn't end well!" Reyna spoke up appearing behind Ford with her hand in her pockets.
"Now Ford. If you ever even get near my...- let's just say...." she snapped her fingers having Ford disappear then reappear when snapping them again.  "Got it? "

Bill pushed you farther away from reyna a furious and frightened look on his face.
"How did......" he teleported Ford behind him with you.
"RQOB DARORWO FDQ..... ZKDW KDYH BRX EHFRPH?!" Bill yells as Reyna began to laugh.

"That little lizards got nothing on me. and don't worry, im something better than you cipher. Because I won't fail at my work." She blows you a kiss before disappearing into thin air.

"Grunkle Ford.... what is it she can do?....." Dipper asked concerned.
"Erase everything and put it all in the void alone....." he spoke still slightly in shock from the experience.
Bill grabs for your hand.
"Not going to happen. Sixer...."

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