Chapter Six

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*•Chapter Six•*

McGee glared at Tony.

"You're dead." He slowly said as he climbed to his feet.

"Oh you're funny." Tony laughs.

"Tony...I don't like that look in his eyes." Ziva said slowly.

"Aw crap.." Tony started to run but McGee tackled him.

"You idiot!" McGee said as he tried to punch Tony but Gibbs pulled him off him.

"McGee! Stop!" Gibbs pushed him away from Tony and faced him with a death-glare.

"There will be no toleration for this kind of behavior! You wanna fight? Do it on your own time!" He sits back at his desk.

"Sorry boss.." McGee murmurs as he picks up his phone and pockets it.

Tony slowly stands up and sits back down.

"Sorry McGoo.." He mumbles.

"Whatever.." McGee sits and types on his phone, sending a text to Raven, explaining what had just happened.

She replies with a "XP" and a "lol, your job sounds fun:)" and a "It's ok".

McGee leans back in his chair and sighs.

He had never met a girl like her.

She was perfect for him.</pre>

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