Meeting Them

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You walked down the street to your apartment. It was late at night and is really dark.

"Hey- You-Get-!"
You heard someone yelling behind you, but you couldn't make out what they were saying. You turn around and see three huge guys running toward you.

The Purple Dragons

You sprint towards your apartment and you run up the stairs.

Your hands shaking trying to put the key in the door.

"Shit." You said under your breath as you drop the keys.

You pick them up and unlock your door. Before you could step in, you heard a click of a gun barrel.

"Where do you think your going?" A voice said. "Turn around." He  said in a deeper tone.

You did as you were told and faced them.

The leader smiled and looked you up and down.
"How bout we keep this one aye?"

Suddenly, a huge figure came out of no where and knocked all of the guys down the stairs.

"You good Leo?" Someone said.

"Yeah, fine." The tall figure in front of me said. It was to dark to see his face, or its face.

"You okay miss?"
The creature stepped into the light and I saw that it wasn't a man. It was a turtle.

Holy shit. What- what is that?
You felt dizzy and started to stumbled. You hit the wall and fell to the floor. Everything went black.


The music was loud and all of your friends were drunk. Your a strong drinker, you can drink as much as you want and will not get drunk. On the other hand, your friends are wasted.

As your friends embarrass themselves as usual, you head out the back door of the club to get some fresh air. All the guys where staring at you and your tight short black dress on and your black high heels.

You gave them a death glare and exited the club.  The cool summer breeze hit you. You knew you couldn't go back in. When you first entered the club,the bouncers checked your fake ID and said it looked suspicious but let you in anyway. If you tried to get in, they probably wouldn't let you. Your only 19 and this club is for 21 and older.

You stood in the alley way on your phone, seeing of a uber could come and pick you up.

You heard a noise above you. Like someone jumped from the roof of the club to the roof of the other building infront of you.

"Ahhhh!!" You heard a man yell and fall off the roof. He landed about three feet away from you. It was one of the Pruple Dragons

You gasped and started walking backwards. Something big jumped down next to the guy.

You look up slowly at it. The monster looked into your eyes and growled. Your usually not scared of anything, but this huge green turtle monster you were.

"You didn't see anything." It said in a Brooklyn accent.

"You can talk?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"You look scared." It said pulling out Sai's from its belt. It looked you up and down.

"Are you checking me out?!" You ask dramatically.

"Why is that a problem?" He smirked.

"Um yeah! I have a boyfriend." You lied.
He rolled his eyes. "Your stubborn."

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