When he thinks of you:DONNIE

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Donatellos POV

I made Gypkuro tea for me and my brothers to help us meditate. I brought the tray into the dojo and sat next to them. I handed them each one. Mikey siped the tea.
"Blah, I hate this!" Mikey yelled after he spit the tea all in Raphs face.

"Mikey!" Raph yelled punching him.

"Ow!" Mikey yelped.

"Enough!" We all turned and saw Splinter enter the room.

"You will now all drink the tea because of your actions." He commanded.

"Yes Sensei." We all said.

I looked over at Leo. He shook his head. "What did I do to deserve this?" He muttered.

I rolled my eyes and happily drank the tea. No one likes this tea except for me...and that other girl, Y/N.

  I zoned out and thought about her pretty eyes and her smile. I sighed and put the cup down.

"You okay Donnie? You look a bit out of it." Mikey asked.

"Donnie?" Leo asked snapping his fingers in my face.

"Oh-um yeah, I'm fine." I said nervously.

Raphael raised his eyebrow. "You sure cause you seemed zoned out and-"

"My sons! Meditate!" Splinter told us.

"Yes Sensei."

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